Jun.19 (Mon.)
Lesson 51
A: 火星基地よりヒューストンへ、アキラです。聞こえますか?
Mars Base to Houston, this is Akira. Can you hear me?
M: 聞こえます、火星基地。顔が見られて嬉しいわ、アキラ。
Copy, Mars Base. Good to see you, Akira.
A: こちらこそ、お会いできるととても嬉しいです。船長。地球での状況はいかがですか?
I’m very happy to see you too, Commander. How are things on Earth?
M: 面白いことになっているわ。突然ゼイトクスが行方不明になって。
Interesting. We suddenly lost track of Zaytox.
A: 彼は大丈夫なのですか?
Is he OK?
M: 彼は安全なところにいるけれど、居場所は秘密にしているの。火星基地の状況はどう?
He’s safe, but he’s keeping his location a secret. How is the Mars Base?
A: 平穏です。早く地球にまず帰りたいです。
Quiet. I wonder love to return to Earth soon.
M: 私があなたと場所を交代しても構わないのよ、アキラ。
I’m willing to trade places with you, Akira.
A: ぜひそうしてください!
Please do!
copy: (無線通信などで)了解、良く聞こえる
commander: 司令官
lose track of~ ~を見失う
location: 居場所
trade A with B: AをBと交換する
Typical Expressions
1. そのプロジェクトを始動するのは構いません。私には経験があります。
I‘m willing to lead the project. I have experience.
I’m not willing to do overtime. I have children at home.
2. 喜んであなたを空港に送らせてもらいます。
I’m happy to take you to the airport.
I’m happy to go to the store for you.
3. 必要なら運転する準備はできています。
I’m prepared to drive if needed.
I’m ready to help out. Just ask.
4. この話題に関して私にアドバイスをさせてください。
Allow me to share my advice on this topic.
Allow me to demonstrate how to do it.
Typical Expressions in Action
1. 私があなたと一緒に行くのは構いません。あなたは夜一人で歩くべきではありません。
I’m willing to go with you. You shouldn’t walk alone at night.
2. 喜んであなたに家庭教師をしましょう。私は数学がとても得意なんです。
I’m happy to tutor you. I’m pretty good at math.
3. 私は勤務時間を延長する覚悟があります。繫忙期ですよね。
I’m prepared to work longer hours. It’s the peak season.
My daughter sent her father a Paul Smith shirt from the department store for Father's Day.
There was also a thank you message for him in the box with a beautiful ribbon.
She was wondering if she should buy a pale mint green or pale pink, though she chose pale mint green for him this year.
But at first glance it also looks like a light gray.
The material is 100% cotton, so it has a nice feel and the jacquard weave pattern is also included, so it sparkles a little in the light.
My husband looks like happy.
Our son and his wife are amid in the middle of raising children and they need much money for education cost, so there is no present for us.
However, our grandchildren often send us emails.
Thank you for your comments.