A Fox Called Gon 続きです
Gon wanted to be a little mischieuous.ですが・・・
About 10 days later Fox Called Gon, Gon was passing by the back of
farmer Yasuke's house and he stopped Yasuke's wife through the
fig tree putting makeup on her teeth.
And as he was passing by the back of blacksmith Shinbe's house.
Gon saw Shinbe's wife coming her hair.
Then he walked by Hyoju's place - a small run-down house
with a red well in front of it.
A lot of people had gathered there and the women were all dressed up
in formal kimono.
“Oh, my. It’s a funeral.
I wonder who died in Hyoju's family.”
Around noon Gon went down to the village graveyard and hid behind
sixjizo statues.
It was a beautiful day and in the distance he could see
the Nakayama castle roof shining under the sun.
The cluster amaryllis were in full bloom making the graveyard
ground look like a scarlet carpet.
🍀 ごんは、兵十の身内に不幸が起こったことをまだ、詳しくは?
写真 ブルーベリー、少しずつ実が色づいてきました。