Typhoon is coming soon.
All transportation has stopped.
What a terrible Typhoon!
My living room is very dark.
Japan Metrological Agency has calld for the hightest level of warning.
📻ラジオ英会話 Lesson 99
◆You have to~
より柔らかい響きのYou'll have to のパターン。
You'll have to rewrite it.
You're not supposed to use AI programs for school reports.
◆be supposed to ~(~することになっている)
The school says that's cheating.
What should I do then?
◆then のイメージ 視線を移す。
※助動詞+have to のパターン
1⃣You'll have to ask Roger.
I'm afraid that's not my area of expertise
◆area of expertise 専門分野
2⃣You may have to restart your computer.
That might fix the problem.
※will be able to のパターン
3⃣We'll be able to find out the test results tomorrow.
◆be able to は、これからの事態を予測しながら「できます」
for now 今のところ
keep one's fingers clossed 「幸運を祈る」
For now,let's keep our fingers crossed.
We'll be able to find out the test results for tomorrow.