ラジオ英会話 L152進行形 基礎
Key sentence : Are you staying here at the hotel?
Be + ~ing は主語の説明をする説明文。比較的短期間続く行為の途中を表す。
I’m living in Japan. 一時的な滞在
I live in Japan. 長期にわたり安定して住んでいる
Where are you going to school? 通い始めたばかりの新しい学校について尋ねる
Where do you go to school? 普段通っている学校について聞く。
Grammar in Action
① What are you doing?
When we talked the other day, you are working as a part-time worker, right?
模範解答:What are you doing? Last time we talked, you were working part time.
② I’m living in LA. I save up money to buy a
house at New Port Beach.
I’m living in LA for the moment, I’m saving up to buy a house in Newport Beach.
③ I’m not seeing with anyone.Now I’m focusing on my career.
I’m not seeing anyone. I’m focused on my
career right now.