zokkonさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ Go on.
○ Tell me about it!
○ Nothing is showing on the screen.
○ I'm sorry I forgot to reply to your e-mail!
○ In the cold light of the day, it is unbelievable that we let such a thing happen.
○ The weather alternated between hot and cold.
○ Whatever Kohtaro says, Sarah says the opposite.
○ I'm pleased to meet you.
○ My family likes to have a Halloween party every year.
○ Don't tell anyone.
○ Let's take advantage of that.
○ I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
○ I'm hoping you can upgrade me to business class.
○ That's like me.
○ How are you faring these days?
○ Let's go home!
○ You are bleeding from cuts on the face.
○ He was in such a hurry he went out without a word.
○ What kind of work do you do?
○ I called several times, but couldn't get hold of her.