zokkonさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ Is there a bus at nine?
○ I'm sorry to make you wait.
○ Try not to escalate the conflict.
○ What company do you work for?
○ Let me get ready.
○ Are you on your way to the meeting?
○ The cherry blossom is regarded as an iconic flower of Japan. And, in fact, for many Japanese, it's synonymous with the word 'flower'.
○ I'm just kidding.
○ He lives on the edge of town.
○ I have hurt my ankle.
○ I'm sorry, I should have brought it right back. I'll go get it.
○ Never put your arms down.
○ If you want to succeed, you must take the initiative in life!
○ I had my money stolen.
○ What a relief it is to hear that!
○ Let's leave it all up to chance.
○ Hold on now.
○ There are only a few side effects.
○ Red lacquerware is equally common. In ancient times, red was believed to be an auspicious colour that kept away evil spirits and brought good luck.
○ There's something to eat.