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本日の学習 ABCニュースシャワー73日目
「米共和党全国大会 開催」 (8月29日放送)
昨日の復習 ABCニュースシャワー
A bull's eye (is) looking at New Orleans.
bull's eye 「標的の中心、台風の目」
★ bull's eye 「牛の目」「標的」「的を射た発言・行為」「大当たり」
「NASA's Opportunity joins Spirit on Mars」
Navigation team member Louis D'Amario said the landing was on target within a cigar-shaped area 74-by-5 kilometers. "It looks like that we hit the bull's-eye again with Opportunity, just like for Spirit," he said.
★ pound 「力強く進む」「猛攻撃を加える、砲撃する」
「Heavy Rains in Kenya Kill Dozens, Displace Tens of Thousands」
The Kenya Red Cross Society reports that at least 65 people have died since March because of landslides, flash floods and other effects of the heavy rains that have pounding the country.
★ lash「(波・風などが)激しく打ちつける」「攻撃する」
His wife lashes out: "Stop living in the past! Nothing good can come of it!"
lash out かみつく、悪口を吐く、激しく非難する
★ not take any chances 「どんなことも運任せにしない、安全第一でいく」
「Europe Debates Iran Oil Sanctions Amid Debt Crisis」
Still, the U.S. and Europe aren't taking any chances. Britain's most advanced warship - the HMS Daring - has set sail on its maiden voyage to the region. The British Ministry of Defense says it's a routine deployment - but insists the ship's crew is prepared for any scenario. Meanwhile, the U.S. reportedly has sent a message to Tehran saying it will not tolerate any attempts to block the Strait of Hormuz.
★ anxiety 「心配、不安、懸念」
What on earth does the future hold? Kenzo suffers a frenzy of anxiety.
★ be not comparable to「~には比べものにならない」
「ISAF to Deploy More Peacekeepers Ahead of Afghan Elections」
"It's not comparable to the presidential election. It will be more complicated and more difficult to run," he said. "NATO will bring some additional forces in Afghanistan to support the National Assembly election."
★ cf. be comparable to「~に相当する」「~に匹敵する」
「Waste Not, Want Not」
Wasting food, he said, is comparable to wasting water because it takes a lot of water to produce what we eat.
Don't take any chances!