本日の学習 ABC ニュースシャワー68日目
「ミシシッピ川の水運が停滞」( 8月22日放送)
ABC ニュースシャワー 「オーガスタ」に初めての女性会員(8月21日放送)
This is about the corridors of power in our country.
キーワード:corridors of power 「権力の中枢」
glass ceiling 「ガラスの天井、(女性の)出世を阻む見えない壁」
★ corridors of power
「US Places Iranian Opposition Group on Terror List」
Reva Bhalla adds there is unease in the corridors of power in Tehran that there will be more pressure on President Obama to take a tougher stand with Iran, particularly on the nuclear issue, after the Republican Party gains in the recent U.S. congressional elections.
★ glass ceiling
「Indian Government Faces Allegation of Gender Bias」
"We believe that the appointment of president was not by choice, it was just a compulsion of politics," said Kumari. "I don't think people sitting in power are thinking about really empowering women in India. It is not a hidden glass ceiling, it is an iron ceiling actually. That is what we are now thinking, the system is still not willing to provide spaces."
※ allegation 「申し立て」by choice 「好んで」compulsion 「強制」
★ resolutely 「断固として」
「Former Chadian Leader to Face Trial in Senegal」
Senegal's Justice Minister Aminata Toure said after signing the agreement that "we are moving resolutely towards the holding of the trial."
★ turn away 「(人)を寄せ付けない」「拒否する、受け入れない」
「US Trying to Stop 'Reverse Brain Drain'」
Representative Zoe Lofgren of California said, "While we once asked the brightest minds in the world to come and make their homes here, we now turn them away. Having educated and trained the world's best students in our universities, we no longer welcome them to enrich nation."
★ statesman 「長老政治家」「(ある分野の)優れた指導者」
「US Ambassador Promises Not to Abandon Afghanistan」
Few American statesmen have spent more time on the front line of America's post 9/11 diplomatic efforts than current U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Ryan Crocker. He re-opened the U.S. embassy in Kabul in 2001 following the fall of the Taliban, later served as ambassador to Pakistan and then to Iraq, where he was partnered with General David Petraeus during the surge of U.S. troops.
★ gracious これが今回の難題でした。
"For their part, both former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and South Carolina business executive Darla Moore were quite gracious today ... "
「Attack on Reagan Changed US Protection Tactics, Agent Says」
"The President and Mrs. Reagan were more than grateful, more than thankful and gracious to me and my family from that day on," said McCarthy.
My gracious! 「何てことだ!」「大変だ!」
※ 驚き・感動・困惑などの感情
さて、"glass ceiling" 。
今日読んだニュースの中に、"glass ceiling" ではなくて "iron ceiling" があるとの表現!