While Drippy was thinking of his
mother and wishing that he had not run
away,Mrs.Dewdrop was thinking about
her son. She has so unhappy. She had
searched everywhere for Drippy. She
had asked all her friends to help her find
him,and the alarm had gone out all over
the forest.
"I saw Drippy," Leapy the grass-
hopper said.
"That's wonderful! Where? Where is
"I put him on a leaf high on a tree."
He took Mrs.Dewdrop to the tree,but
of course Drippy was gone.
"I saw Drippy," the queen bee said.
"That's wonderful! Where is he?"
"I put him on a beautiful flower. I'll
take you to him."
They hurried to the flower,but Drippy
was not there.
「紫の淡しと言はず蘭の花 後藤夜半」の句をありがとうございます。蘭を育てるのは難しいようで易しく、易しいようで難しいです。今はシンビジュームとデンドロと君子蘭を数鉢と、この東洋ラン1鉢です。紫の花なら洋ランでしょうか。デンドロの淡い色が浮かびます。
青空に天守閣と松... 今日も美しいお写真です♪ そして昨日いただきました「桐一葉日当たりながら落ちにけり 高浜虚子」どうも有難うございました。m(__)m 風もないのに桐の葉がはらりと落ちるさまは、近づく秋を思わせて素敵です。