攻略 ABC NEWS July 3, 2020
WHO=世界保健機関によると新型コロナウイルスの感染を予防するためのワクチン17種類についてヒトでの臨床試験が行われています。キーワードは、herd immunity「集団免疫」。ABCニュースは、ワクチンが開発されたとしても数多くの人が接種を受けなければ集団免疫は達成できないという専門家の意見を伝えています。
The World Health Organization's latest report shows 17 potential vaccines in human trials, 132 in pre-clinical phases.
▶︎ human trial: 臨床試験
▶︎ pre-clinical: 臨床前の
Oxford, the furthest along, now in phase 3, enlisting more than 10,000 volunteers.
▶︎ the furthest along: 最も進んでいる
ex. How far along with the project?
▶︎ enlist: 協力を得る
And here in the US, biotech company Moderna is set to begin phase 3 human trials in collaboration with the National Institute of Health this month.
▶︎ in collaboration with: 協力/共同して
▶︎ be set to do something: する準備ができている
ex. I was just set to go when the phone rang.
Developing safe and effective vaccines isn't the only challenge.
▶︎it is not the only challenge: 難問はそれだけではない(まだまだあるのです)
ex. But this is not the only challenge facing South Africa's 5 million HIV sufferers, the second highest number in the world.
We need to have enough supply and potentially hundreds of millions of Americans willing to get vaccinated in order to achieve herd immunity.
▶︎ potentially: 潜在的に、可能性がある、おそらく
▶︎ herd immunity: 集団免疫
And doctors say it's key for companies to test large numbers of people, both old and young, to prove the vaccine is safe and effective.
▶︎ it is key to do: 重要なのは…することです
ex. During a presentation it is key for the presenter to make eye contact, speak clearly and project, engage the audience by fielding questions. (Presentation Tips and Tricks | Meeting Tomorrow)
(https://meetingtomorrow.com/content-library/presentation-tips-and-tricks )
Keyword 解説
We need to have potentially hundreds of millions of Americans willing to get vaccinated in order to achieve herd immunity.
キーワードは、herd immunity「集団免疫」。herdは一般的に動物の「群れ」を示す単語ですが、ここでは「ヒトの集団」という意味で使われています。immunityで「免疫」。vaccineで「ワクチン」、vaccinateで「ワクチンを接種する」。今回のキーワードは、herd immunity「集団免疫」です。