Q5. 久しぶりのフレーズ。
that と are が聞き取れず訳分からない文章に。
A benefit of membership is that purchases are discounted.
that と are が書き取れてなくても、意味は取れています。
Facebookディクテーションテスト2013年02月25日(月)版(No.629) - 結果
Q1 Let me get ready.
○ Let me get ready.
Q2 Tell me that it's not true.
○ Tell me that it's not true.
Q3 I still like this one better.
○ I still like this one better.
Q4 Do you have any pointers for me?
○ Do you have any pointers for me?
Q5 A benefit of membership is that purchases are discounted.
× A benefit of membership is purchases at discounted.