Q4. 別の文章(↓)と勘違い。
「あー、あれね。」とか思ってsniffles と書いた自分が恥ずかしいっす。
Facebookディクテーションテスト2013年04月14日(日)版(No.677) - 結果
Q1 We can get them at bargain prices, right?
○ We can get them at bargain prices, right?
Q2 I love to live life to the fullest.
○ I love to live life to the fullest.
Q3 I had Cyrus check the English in the letter.
○ I had Cyrus check the English in the letter.
Q4 It sounds like he's smitten!
× It sounds like he is sniffles.
Q5 The business impact is a potential five million dollars next year.
○ The business impact is a potential five million dollars next year.