"Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusion that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton."
JAMES B. COMEY, the F.B.I. director, on the F.B.I.’s decision not to charge Hillary Clinton in connection with her email server.
NOVEMBER 07, 2016
(1)Emails Don’t Warrant Action(訴追) Against Clinton, F.B.I. Director Says
Cloud Over Clinton Campaign Is Lifted 2 Days Before Election
The director, James B. Comey, said the newly discovered emails had not changed the bureau’s conclusions from its previous investigation of Hillary Clinton. Many of the emails were personal messages or duplicates(副本) of ones that had already been examined, one official said.
(2)Inside Donald Trump’s Last Stand: An Anxious Nominee Seeks Assurance
Behind the show of confidence orchestrated by Mr. Trump’s staff are the neediness and vulnerability of a once-boastful(得意げな) candidate uncertain of victory.
(3)Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Scramble(這いまわる) to Make Their Final Pleas(単眼)
Racing across the electoral map, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump begged voters to see Tuesday’s vote as a choice of almost apocalyptic(黙示の) significance.
(4)Fear of Donald Trump Helps Democrats Mobilize Hispanics
Angry at Mr. Trump and energized by Democratic outreach efforts, Latinos are turning out in droves(大勢で), and could be the difference in the outcome in highly contested states.
A Guide to the Republican Herd, 共和党
A Divided Pack of Elephants NOV. 5, 2016
The Republican electorate has fractured(分裂する) over the policy views and personal history of Donald J. Trump.
Here are rough tribal maps of G.O.P. voter groups, based on ideas from a variety of political consultants and pollsters. (略) Elephants, or blocs, are scaled to approximate both voter strength and their levels of animation — or agitation — this year. Almost all Republican voters depicted(描く) here will choose Trump. How many defectors will sit it out or (gasp(喘ぐ)) vote for Hillary Clinton? We’ll know Tuesday night. Probably.
(1)上の赤い4頭が、Cultural Coalitionで、内訳は、右から
① Alt Right(極右)は、Hard-right white subculture of fury against minorities, immigrants, liberals, establishment.で、HOMEはThe internetで、AGREES WITH CULTURAL PROTECTIONIST BLOC ON Anti-immigration
② Cultural Protectionist Blocは、Resentment(憤慨) of diversity and political correctness; emphasis on law and order; hostility to Black Lives Matter. Opposed to political compromise and think Trump is right(トランプは正しいと考えている!): The country is in decline.で、PUBLIC FIGURESはRudolph Giuliani, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Ted Nugentで、AGREES WITH BIBLICAL BLOC ON Pro-guns, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage
③ Biblical(聖書) Blocは、For laws allowing business owners to opt out of serving gays. Anti-abortion and eager for Trump Supreme Court nominees.で、LEADERSはMike Pence, Ted Cruz, Jerry Falwell Jr., James Dobson, Ralph Reedで、AGREES WITH CULTURAL PROTECTIONIST BLOC ON Pro-guns, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage
④ Biblical Refuseniks(指示に従わない者)は、Can’t stomach Trump’s personal history; don’t trust his devotion to their cause.で、LEADERSはErick Erickson
(2)真ん中の青い大きな2頭は、Anti-Tax/Anti-Spending Coalitionで、
① 右の大きいのがPopulist Pessimist/Anti-Washington Blocで、
The aggrieved(悩ます), burn-it-down heart of the Tea Party and Trump’s support: anti-trade, anti-immigrant, anti-establishment (both politics and business). Many are blue collar, hit hard by the evolving economy. Less educated and largely white. Receptive to claims that politics and elections are rigged. Think America reached its zenith(天頂) in the 1950s, and it’s been downhill ever since.で、LEADERSはHouse Freedom Caucusなら; Stephen K. Bannonで, Trump campaign chiefなら; Sean Hannityになる。AGREES WITH BIBLICAL BLOC AND CULTURAL PROTECTIONIST BLOC ON Anti-immigration, an intense dislike of Obama, slashing federal spending, destroying Obamacare
② 左がFree-Market Blocで、Open trade, low regulation, low taxes, shrinking government (except defense). For immigration reform.で、LEADERSはPaul Ryan, Mitt Romney — those sometimes called “governing conservatives” and who get headaches from the burn-it-down Freedom Caucus set; Chamber of Commerce.で、AGREES WITH LIBERTARIANS ON
Shrinking government, free trade
(3)一番下の小さい2頭は、National Security Coalitionで、
① 右はAmerica Firstで、Defeat ISIS; elsewhere, allies need to shoulder more responsibility.
② 左はInterventionistsで、The neo-con view(ネオコン): Deploy U.S. muscle as needed, which is often.で、AGREES WITH FREE-MARKET BLOC ON Defense spending
(4)左上の緑の小さな1頭はLibertarian Leaning(リバタリアン!)で、Can’t stomach Trump or cultural conservatives.で、PUBLIC FIGURESはthe Koch brothersで、AGREES WITH FREE-MARKET BLOC ON Shrinking government, Free trade