お気に入りフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト- 結果
○ Well, even though I have a driver's license, I hardly ever drive.
○ You know, more often than not, these cosmetically challenged fruits and veggies are barely distinguishable from those that are visually perfect.
○ As you know, tomorrow is Valentine's Day.
○ He paused to take stock of the situation.
○ But I prefer music.
○ Hmm...which country should we pick?
○ If you apologize half-heartedly, you'll be remembered as just another jerk whose cover-up exacerbated the situation.
○ Out of curiosity, which song do you like the most?
○ It's just as if I had taken a train from Tokyo to Shinjuku!
○ Anyway, I'll just go to the restroom before we leave.