お気に入りフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト- 結果
○ I need someone to give me a ride to the station.
○ You were worried at our last concert, but we put on a great show.
○ That's out of my league!
○ They're very loyal to their companies, and they prefer a direct, no-nonsense management style.
○ I plan to wind down a bit work-wise when I get older, and devote more of my time to volunteer activities, for example.
○ Puppeteers from all over England go to Covent Garden to put on shows.
○ She's out of my league.
○ I prefer to be a hidebound traditionalist and stick with the good old-fashioned printed page.
○ I prefer B&Bs to hotels because staying at them is a great way to meet other travelers.
○ "There is light because there is darkness." And, of all people, the person who has emerged from the darkness appreciates the blessing of light.