使役動詞 和訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ He couldn't let his feelings show.
○ This is the song that makes me cry.
○ I must say that some of the data made me think twice about marriage and parenting.
○ What makes you think I like her?
○ The difficult thing is to get people to agree on what you want to do.
○ I feel terrible. I don't know how I let it slip by! I apologize.
○ You'll get a strong sense of what makes teens tick.
○ I'll have Pierre do it.
○ You just sit back and let us do the work.
○ A little bit of exercise always makes me feel good.
今日のお花 スポットライトを浴びてるようで
とっても 素敵ですね。
学習も 満点!おめでとうございます。
すっかり 秋になりましたね。
今日も 明るく 元気に過ごしましょうね。