文法の復習 和訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ You shouldn't prejudge people.
× I wish I could ask a boy out in real life.
○ I have been to a Japanese garden like this in Portland.
○ I wish I hadn't drunk so much last night.
○ Have you got everything you need?
○ You two haven't met before, have you?
○ By the time I got there, he had already gone.
○ I was so nervous, but your uncle told me my career would be longer than the Mississippi River.
× I was sure you'd bought it at some upscale designer boutique.
○ The rumor is that he's gone to America.
今日も 可愛いお花が 咲いていますね。
お勉強も よく 出来ていますね。
今日も 元気に 過ごしましょうね。