使役動詞 和訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ I'm sorry to make you wait.
○ The difficult thing is to get people to agree on what you want to do.
○ My wife made me join a gym.
○ What made you do such a thing?
× I'll have him call the customer back, OK?
○ People, like you and David, who work toward making their dreams come true.
○ Caty made me carry the heavy books!
○ A little bit of exercise always makes me feel good.
○ Snowy won't let go of my string!
○ How can we get students to think about this problem?
真っ青な空に 黄色のお花が 可憐に咲いて
素敵な 風景ですね。
学習 良く出来ていますね。
昨日は 肌寒かったですね。
今日も 明るく 元気に 過ごしましょうね。