前置き の🗞️巻き 和訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ Last but not least, don't forget to laugh.
○ Otherwise you will have no chance.
○ If I'm not mistaken, one of your false eyelashes has come off.
× Personally, I want to make it happen. But this is the company's decision. There's nothing I can do.
× Just so you know, though, I reviewed the presentation with her before the meeting.
○ In closing, let me summarize briefly my key points.
○ Speaking of which, I'm performing tomorrow night.
× Before we go further, there's a potential stumbling block with a single bulk order.
○ From my point of view, it seems like a good idea.
× Let me spell it out for you.
可愛いお花が たくさん 咲いていますね。
秋の日差しは 嬉しいですね。
今日も 明るく 元気に 過ごしましょうね。