Sorry to interrupt. I just need to have a quick work with you both. It won’t take long. The boss asked to tell you something. He said standing around chatting won’t get the work done!
What were you up to this morning? We had a big delivery of books. We could have used your help. Well, at least you’re here this afternoon. We have to move them into the storeroom.
So, you’re finally getting married. Are you having second thoughts? Most people are less than a hundred percent sure. But if you don’t feel right about it…Have you considered living together first?
I’m hungry. Can you eat now? I know a place around here. What do you say we get a bagel? That place has been around forever. Their bagels are so special they’ve been featured in many magazines.
I can’t believe it. Brad Pitt’s waiting downstairs? Who’s he waiting for? You’re joking. It must be someone who looks like him. Are you serious?
Promise not to laugh. I know this will sound silly. You know I’m not the superstitious type. And you may not believe me. But I think I just saw a ghost.
What do you think you’re doing? I was watching that program. You could at least ask if you want to change the channel. I don’t care if this is your favorite program. You’re so selfish. You really make me mad.
Do you mind if I smoke? I think this is a smoking area. But no one else is smoking. I can’t see any “No Smoking” signs anywhere. Maybe I should wait till we get outside.
See the roadwork? Looks like they’re digging up the road again. There’s a deep trench by the bus stop. It runs all the way to the station. Lots of noise and traffic till they finish.
coloring book for grown-ups:大人向けの塗り絵
“once upon a time” fairy tale:むかしむかしから始まるおとぎ話
I have made mistakes but I have never made the mistake of claiming that I never made one.