Sleep Well, Live Well (4)
Yes, over the course of 100 years, we can expect to work 60 years or more. We need to make aging-which is a natural process, of course-a healthier and fairer experience for everybody.
It will become increasingly important to build a career you can enjoy later in life. If you’re healthy, you can travel, spend time with your grandchildren and contribute to society and the economy even after you retire. Working careers will be spread out so that people work more years, but with fewer workdays in the week and fewer hours in the day.
That’s definitely the trend these days. The world’s population is graying. People all over the world are having fewer babies while living longer. By 2025, the number of people over 60 is expected to reach 2.1 billion-nearly a quarter of the world’s population. That means there will be fewer younger adults to support them. That’s especially true in Japan. We’ve become the world’s most aged society.
If I were in my 20s, I’d take care to have healthy eating habits. You know the old saying, “You are what you eat.” So, tell me, Kyohei: what do the Japanese eat that gives them the world’s longest lifespans?
We have an expression in Japanese: “Hara hachibu.” Loosely translated, it means “Don’t eat until you are full. Eat only up to 80%.”
That’s very simple and practical. I like that idea.
I think one of the most important reasons for Japanese people’s longevity is washoku.