Put pressure on the wound to stop bleeding.
He was badly wounded in the arm.
Time heals all wounds.
For months after I hurt my back, it was painful to walk.
Since I’m an IA robot, no wound is ever painful for me in any way.
I feel absolutely nothing.
Ouch. That wounded me.
Hi, Kenta. Here we are!
We’ll join you. It looks like fun.
Great. Okay. First, we’ll sprit into groups. Jenny and I are the team preparing Hallow costumes for everyone.
Wait. What?
And Haruna and Leo are the team preparing the scary Jack O’ lanterns.
Because no one except you knows how to curve a Jack O’ lantern.
Leo senpai, first we need to find a big pumpkin.
Okay, okay. Let’s go to the pumpkin patch.
Pumpkin patch?
Yes. The farm where they grow pumpkins.
There aren’t any farms around here.
I think we might have a problem.
Jenny and I are the team preparing Hallow costumes for everyone.
My father is the one cooking dinner.
Bob is the boy planning to go to Kiso 2 High School.
This is the book explaining the history of Japan in English.
My grandpa wears a scarf around his neck in winter.
I used to live around here.
My brother says there is a good ramen shop around here.
We’ll just go to the store.
Don’t worry. I have a plan.