Yesterday I talked about a story that Kuma-san was hiding and cracking walnuts hard, but today I talk about a story that I have been working hard lately.
In this season, there are many fruits and vegetables that are specific to spring. The word " specific to spring " is very dangerous. If we miss that time, we can't taste it anymore. That makes us try to conserve it somehow. So, in our region, we can see that a lot of pods and skins of broad beans and peas are thrown away in the garbage collection point this time. I also peel every year as well as the others do.
However, the amount is surprisingly large. It is sent from the field in a jute bag. One bag weighs about 30 kg. Just think about it. How long does it take to peel all of it? To be frankly speaking, it even doesn't end from morning till night. Fortunately, the work was done and many broad beans are sleeping in the freezer.
Nowadays, I get only one jute bag, but until a while ago, I got three jute bags. I thought, "What do we want to do with so many broad beans?" Today's supper is broad bean pilaf.
broad bean そら豆
pod (エンドウなどの)さや
It is sent from the field in a jute bag.
「そら豆は麻袋に詰められて麻袋ごとに送られてくる」とするには”in a jute bag"より"by a jute bag"のほうが適切なような気がするんですが、この文中で”by”を使うと、受動態の動作をする側になってしまうような…。
ラジオ英会話 5月11日(水)Lesson23 take
(A) wallet has been (brought to our) Lost-and-Found.
brought to ourは早口すぎて私の耳では聞き取り不可能でした。
it’s blue and (the) inside is brown.
We need you (to) bring some identification.
( )内は聞こえななかったり、聞きづらかった部分。
* Grammar and Vocabulary *
〇 A wallet has been brought to our Lost-and-Found.
〇 We need you to bring some identifications.
I advise you to check your belongings carefully before getting off the train.
* Feel English *
〇 I’ll take your advice.
Take 「手に取る」→その後自分のほうに引き寄せる「受け入れる」
・take an offer / take a job / take responsibility /
take the consequences 結果を引き受ける
・Don't take the wrong way. 誤解しないで
take ~ seriously ~を真剣に考える
take ~ badly ~を悪く受け取る
take ~ well ~をよく受け取る
Don't take it literally 文字通りに受け取るな
Take it easy. → 「それを簡単だと考えて」
・ I can't take it anymore. もう我慢できません。
・ This room can take 250 people. この部屋は250人収容できます。
* Expressions in action *
1. How did she take the news?
2. Don't take him seriously. He's always joking.