トラッド ジャパン(2009)
2010年06月22日 掛け軸
The mounting,
which is both decorative and also serves to protect the honshi,
is called the hyogu.
mounting 表具、台紙、取り付け、備え付けの台
serve to do doする役割がある
By using similar colours for both the honshi and its surrounding area,
the space in which the bird is flying seems to be expanded.
surrounding 周囲の サァラァゥンディィング
the honshi and its surrounding area 本紙とそのまわり
expanded 拡張された、広げられた
Various elements are integrated into each kakejiku
to please the eyes of the guests.
elements 要素、成分
be integrated into~ ~へ統合されている・組み込まれている