

"Never Let Me Go"Kazuo-Ishiguro

continuation from last time(may31'23)first appearance(oct.30'23)(初出)

I saw Tommy was with them - he was standing with a shoulder against a post - and was listening to a donor who was sitting crouched on the entrance steps. I came towards them a little way, then stopped and waited, there in the open, under the grey sky. But Tommy though he'd seen me, went on listening to his friend, and eventually he and all the others burst out laughing. Even then, he carried on listening and smiling. He claimed afterwards he'd signaled to me to come over, but if he had, it hadn't been at all obvious. All I registered was him smiling vaguely in my direction, then going back what his friend was saying. Okay, he was in the middle of something, and after a minute or so, he did come away, and the two of us went up to his room. But it was quite different to the way things would have happened before. And it wasn't just that he'd kept me waiting out in the Square. I wouldn't have minded that so much. It was more that I sensed for the first time that day something close to resentment on his part at having to come way with me, and once we were up in his room, the atmosphere between us wasn't so great.


To be fair, a lot of it might have been down to me as much as him. Because as I'd stood there watching them all talking and laughing I'd felt an unexpected little tug: because there was something about the way these donors had arranged themselves in a rough semi-circle, something about their poses, almost studiedly relaxed, whether standing or sitting, as though to announce to the world how much each one of them was savouring the company, that reminded me of the way our little gang used to sit around our pavilion together. That comparison, as I say, tugged something inside me, and so maybe, once we were up in his room, it was as much me feeling resentful as the other way round.


I'd feel a similar little prickle of resentment each time he told me I didn't understand something or other because I wasn't yet donor. But apart from one particular time, which I'll come to in a moment, a little prickle all it was. Usually he'd say these things to me half-jokingly, almost affectionately. And even when there was something more to it, like the time he told me to stop taking his dirty washing to the laundry because he could do it himself, it hardly amounted to a row. That time, I'd asked him:

たまに、わたしが提供者でないことを理由に、だから君にはわからないと言われることがあって、そんなときも小さな怒りを感じました。でも、ある一度を除き ー その一度については、すぐお話します ー それは文字通り小さな怒りですんでいました。普通は冗談混じりに、ほとんど愛情一杯という口調で言われますし、たまに冗談以上の意味が込められていることがあっても、喧嘩にまではなりません。たとえば、汚れ物を君が洗濯場に持っていくのはやめてくれ、と言われたことがあります。自分でできるから、と。あのとき、わたしはこう言いました。

"What difference does it make, which one of us takes the towels down? I'm going out that way anyway."


To which he'd taken his head and said: "Look, Kath, I'll sort out my own things. If you were a donor, you'd see."


Okay, it did niggle, but it was something I could forget easily enough. But as I say, there was this one time he brought it up, about my not being a donor, that really riled me.


It happened about a week after the notice came for his forth donation. We'd been expecting it and had already talked it through a lot. In fact, we'd had some of our most intimate conversations since the Littlehampton trip discussing the forth donation. I've known donors to react in all sorts of ways to their forth donation.Some want to talk about it all the time, endlessly and pointlessly. Others will only joke about it, while others refuse to discus it at all.







