


"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell

continuation from last time(jun.26'23)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)

A phrase to make you shudder if you have ever slept in a trench.


On my second day at the barracks there began what was comically called 'instruction'. At the beginning there were frightful scenes of chaos. The recruits were mostly boys of sixteen or seventeen from the back streets of Barcelona, full of revolutionary ardour but completely ignorant of the meaning of war. It was impossible even to get them to stand in line. Discipline did not exist: if a man disliked an order he would step out of the ranks and argue fiercely with the officer. The lieutenant who instructed us was a stout, fresh-faced, pleasant young man who had previously been a Regular Army officer, and still looked like one, with his smart carriage and spick-and-span uniform. Curiously enough he was a sincere and ardent Socialist. Even more than the men themselves he insisted upon complete social equality between all ranks. I remember his pained surprise when an ignorant recruit addressed him as 'senor'. 'What! senor? Who is that calling me senor? Are we not all comrades?' I doubt whatever it made his job any easier. Meanwhile the raw recruiters were getting no military training that could be of the slightly use to them.

私が入隊してから二日目に、ふざけ半分に「訓練」と呼んでいたものが始まった。はじめは、びっくりするようなどたばた騒ぎがあるばかりだった。新兵たち、といっても、大部分がバルセロナの裏町からかりだされて来た十六、七歳のまだくちばしの黄色い少年たちで、革命的情熱だけはヤケに強かったが、戦争とはどういうものかなどは、まるっきり知らなかった。一列に並べることからしてなみたいていのことではなかった。軍紀などというものはてんでなく、受けた命令が気にくわなければ、列の外に飛び出して将校と口ぎたなく喧嘩をおっぱじめる始末だった。私たちの訓練に当たったのは中尉で、がっしりした体格と生き生きとした顔の陽気な青年だった。彼は、もと正規の陸軍将校だったが、きびきびした動作といい、こざっぱりした制服といい、今なおそのおもかげは残っていた。おもしろいことに、彼は良心的で熱烈な社会主義者だった。全階級のあいだは社会的にみて、完全に平等であるべきだ、という主張にかけて、彼は部下よりもっと徹底していた。いつだったか、何も知らない新兵が彼に向かって「上官殿(セニョール)」と呼びかけたときの、彼のつらそうな驚きの顔を、私は今もおぼえている。「何だって! 上官殿(セニョール)だと! おれを上官殿(セニョール)なんて呼ぶのはだれだ? おれたちはみんな同志じゃないか? ただこう言ったからといって、はたして彼の仕事が多少でもやりやすくなったかどうか、それは疑わしい。いっぽう、新兵たちのほうも、少しでも役にたちそうな軍事訓練は、何ひとつ受けなかった。

I had been told that foreigners were not obliged to attend 'instruction'(the Spaniards, I noticed, had a pathetic belief that all foreigners knew more of military matters than themselves), but naturally I turned out with the others. I was very anxious to learn how to use a machine-gun; it was a weapon I had never had a chance to handle. To my dismay I found that we were taught nothing about the use of weapons. The so-called instruction was simply parade-ground drill of the most antiquated, stupid kind; right turn, left turn, about turn, marching at attention in column of threes and all the rest that useless nonsense which I had learned when I was fifteen years old. It was an extraordinary from for the training of a guerilla army to take. Obviously if you have only a few days in which to train a soldier, you must teach him the things he will most need; how to take cover, how to advance across open ground, how to mount guards and build a parapet - above all how to use his weapons. Yet this mob of eager children, who were going to be thrown into the front line in a few day's time, were nit even taught how to fire a rifle or pull the pin out of a bomb.

外国人は教練に出なくてもよい、ということだった。(スペイン人は、どうも、外国人ならだれでも自分たちよりもっと軍事に詳しいのだ、といじらしくも信じこんでいるようだ)が、私は、もちろん、ほかの連中といっしょに教練に顔を出した。私は、機関銃の操作を教わりたくて仕方がなかった。機関銃には、これまで、一ぺんもさわったことがなかったからだ。ところが、がっかりしたことに、兵器の操作など何ひとつ教えてもらえないのだった。いわゆる教練というのも、もっとも旧式で、ばかげた種類の練兵場教練だった。右向け右、だとか、左向け左、だとか、回れ右、だとか、三列縦隊で姿勢を正しくしてやる行進、だとか、そのほか、私が十五歳のときに、もうとっくに教わってしまったような、何の役にも立たぬ具にもつかないことばかりだった。ゲリラ隊が受ける訓練としては、まったく見当外れもいいところだった。訓練の期日が二、三日しかないとしたら、兵隊にもっとも必要なこと、たとえば、遮蔽物の使い方や開闊地を横断する前進の方法や、歩哨のやり方や、胸墻(きょうしょう)の作り方 ー とりわけ、兵器の操作は、何としても教えてやらなければならないことは、わかりきっている。それなのに、この革命熱にとりつかれた少年たちの一団は、ほんの二、三日したら最前線にかり出されるというのに、まだ小銃の撃ち方はおろか、手榴弾のピンの抜き方ひとつ教わっていないていたらくだった。

At the time I did not grasp that this was because there were no weapons to be had. In the P.O.U.M. militia the shortage of rifles was so desperate that fresh troops reaching the front always had to take their rifles from the troops they relieved in the line. In the whole of the Lenin barracks there were, I believe, no rifles except those used by the sentries.


After a few days、though still a complete rabble by any ordinary standard, we were considered fit to be seen in public, and in the mornings we were marched out to the public gardens on the hill beyond the Plaza da Espana. This was the common drill-ground of all the arty militias, besides the Carabineros and the first contingents of the newly formed Popular Army.







