

"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell

continuation from last time(aug.21'23)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)

There had been bloody attacks, but the town did not fall, and 'Tomorrow we'll have coffee in Huesca' had become a standing joke throughout the army. If I ever go back to Spain I shall make a point of having a cup of coffee in Huesca.


Chapter 5


On the eastern side of Huesca, until late March, nothing happened - almost literally nothing. We were twelve hundred metres from the enemy. When the Fascists were driven back into Huesca the Republican Army troops who held this part of the line had not been over-zealous in their advance, so that the line formed a kind of Pocket. Later it would have to be advanced - a ticklish job under fire - but for the present the enemy might as well have been nonexistent; our sole preoccupation was keeping warm and getting enough to eat. As a matter of fact there were things in this period that interested me greatly, and I will describe some of them later. But I shall be keeping nearer to the order to events if I try here to give some account of the internal political situation on the Government side.

ウエスカの東側では、 三月の終わりごろまで、何も起こらなかった ー ほとんど文字どおり何も起こらなかった。われわれは、敵軍から千二百メートルのところにいた。ファシスト軍をウエスカへ撃退したとき、この地区を保持していた共和政府軍は、あまり積極的に前進しなかったため、戦線はポケットのような形になっていた。ゆくゆくは戦線を進めなければならなくなるはずだった ー 敵の銃火を浴びながらの話だから、さぞやりにくい仕事になるだろう ー が、今のところ、敵軍はいないようなものだったので、われわれの気にかかることは、ただ、暖をとることと、じゅうぶんな食糧を確保することだけだった。とはいうものの、じつはこの時期に少なからず私の興味をひいたものがあったので、そのうちのいくらかはあとで紹介するつもりである。しかし、ここで、政府側の政治的な内部事情を多少でも説明しておくほうが、事件の順序をより忠実にたどることになるだろう。

At the beginning I had ignored the political side of the war, and it was only about this time that it began to force itself upon my attention. If you are not interested in the horrors of party politics, please skip; I am trying to keep the political parts of this narrative in separate chapters for precisely that purpose. But at the same time it would be quite impossible to write about the Spanish war from a purely military angle. It was above all things a political war. No event in it, at any rate during the first year, is intelligible unless one has some grasp of the inter-party struggle that was going on behind the Government lines.







