

"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell

continuation from last time(oct.20'23)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)

To the Spanish people, at any rate in Catalonia and Aragon, the Church was a racket pure and simple. And possibly Christian belief was replaced to some extent by Anarchism, whose influence is widely spread and which undoubtedly has a religious tinge.


It was the day I came back from hospital that we advanced the line to what was really its proper position, about a thousand yards forward, along the little stream that lay a couple of hundred yards in front of the Fascist line. This operation ought to have been carried out months earlier. The point of doing it now was that the Anarchists were attacking on theJaca road to advance on this side made them divert troops to face us.


We were sixty or seventy hours without sleep, and my memories go down into a sort of blue, or rather a series of pictures. Listening-duty in no man's land, a hundred yards from Casa Francesa, a fortified farm-house which was part of the Fascist line. Seven hours lying in a horrible marsh, in reedy-smelling water into which one's body subsided gradually deeper and deeper: the reedy smell, the numbing cold, the stars immovable in the black sky, the harsh croaking of the frogs. Though this was April it was the coldest night that I remember in Spain. Only a hundred yards behind us the working-parties were hard at it, but there was utter silence except for the chorus of the frogs. Just once during the night I heard a sound - the familiar noise of a sand-bag being flattered with a spade.

われわれは、なにしろ六、七十時間というものは眠らなかったので、私の記憶は減退してぼうっとしたものになっている。というよりは、むしろ断片的な情景の連続となってしまっている。ファシスト戦線の一部となっている要塞化された農家「フランス館(カーサ・フランセスカ)」から、わずか数百ヤードの無人地帯(ノーマンズ・ランド)まで出むいていって、耳をすませる敵情偵察。それは、からだがズブズブと深く沈んでいく恐ろしい沼の、葦の匂いのする水の中に七時間はらばいになっていなければならない難行苦行だった。草の匂い、かじかんで、麻痺するような冷たさ、暗い夜空にへばりついて動かない星、耳ざわりな蛙の鳴き声。もう四月だというのに、私がスペインへやって来てから初めて、というほど寒い朝だった。私たちのつい百ヤード後ろのところで、作業班が熱心に作業をしているはずだったが、蛙の合唱(コーラス)のほかは、ただシーンと静まりかえっているだけだった。その晩、ただ一度物音がした ー それはシャベル鍬(ぐわ)でたたいて土嚢を平らにする、あのききなれた音だった。

It is queer how, just now and again, Spaniards can carry out a brilliant feat of organization. The whole move was beautifully planned. In seven hours and six hundred men constructed twelve hundred metres of trench and parapet, at distance of from a hundred and fifty to three hundred yards from the Fascist line, and all so silently that the Fascists heard nothing, and during the night there was only one casualty. There were more next day, of course. Every man has his job assigned to him, even to the cook-house orderlies who suddenly arrived when the work was done with buckets of wine laced with brandy.


And then the dawn coming up and the Fascist suddenly discovering that we were there.







