

"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell
continuation from last time(oct.23'23)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)

The square white block of the Casa Francesa, though it was two hundred yards way, seemed to tower over us, and the machine - guns in its sandbagged upper windows seemed to be pointing straight down into the trench. We all stood gapping at it, wondering why the Fascist didn't see us. Then a vicious swirl of bullets, and everyone had flung himself on his knees and frantically digging, deepening the trench and scooping out small shelters in the side. My arm was still in bandaged, I could not dig. And I spent most of that day reading a detective story - The Missing Money-lender its name was. I don't remember the plot of it but I remember very clearly the feeling of sitting there reading it;

「フランス館(カーサ・フランセスカ)」の四角な白い建物から二百ヤードは離れているのに、まるで、われわれの頭上にのしかかっているような気がした。そして、土嚢を積んだ二階の窓にすえられた数台の機関銃の銃口は、下のわれわれの塹壕を、まともに狙っているようだった。ファシスト軍はなぜがつかないのだろう、と首をかしげながら、われわれはみんな、それに見とれてぽかんと立っていた。そのとたん、ものすごい銃弾のつむじ風がまき起こった。 みんなはぱっとしゃがみこんで、まるで気でも狂ったように、土を掘りはじめた。塹壕を深くし、そばに小さな弾丸よけを作るためだった。私はまだ腕に包帯をしていて掘ることができなかったので、その日はたいてい推理小説を読んで過ごした ー 「消えた高利貸し」という題の小説だった。どんな筋だっかはおぼえていないが、そこにすわって読んでいたときの感じだけは、たいへんはっきりとおぼえている。

the dampish clay of the trench bottom underneath me, the constant shifting of my legs out of the way as men hurried stopping down the trench, the crack-crack-crack of bullets a foot or two overhead. Tomas Parker got a bullet through the top of his thigh, which, as he said, was nearer to being a D.S.O. than he cared about. Casualties were happening all along the line, but nothing to what there would have been if they had caught us on the move during the night. A deserter told us afterwards that five Fascist sentries were shot for negligence. Even now they could have massacred us if they had had the initiative to bring up a few mortals. It was an awkward job getting the wounded down the narrow, crowded trench. I saw one poor devil, his breeches dark with blood, flung out of his stretcher and gasping in agony. one had to carry wounded men a long distance, a mile or more, for even when a road existed the ambulances never came very near the front line. If they came too near the Fascists had a habit of shelling them - justifiably, for in modern war no one scruples to use an ambulance for carryng ammunition.

尻の下の塹壕の底の、じめじめした粘土の感じ、だれかが身をかがめて、あわただしく塹壕の中を往き来するたびに、邪魔にならないようにたえず脚を動かさなければならなかったこと、頭上一、二フィートのあたりを、パン、パンと飛んでいく銃弾。トマス・パーカーは、太もものつけねのほうに一発く食った。彼の言うところによれば、まことに殊勲賞におあつらえむきの一発だった。戦線全域にわたって死傷者が出てはいたが、それでも夜間行動中に発見された場合とくらべたら、問題にならなかった。逃亡兵があとでわれわれに語ったところによると、ファシスト軍の歩哨が五名、職務怠慢のかどで銃殺されたという。もし彼らが先手を打って、臼砲の三、四門も繰り出せば、今からでもわが軍を大量に殺傷することができるはずだった。狭くて混雑している塹壕を通って負傷兵を運ぶのは、厄介な仕事だった。私は、半ズボンを血で黒く汚したひとりのかわいそうな負傷兵が、担架から放り出され、苦痛にあえいでいるのを見た。負傷兵は、一マイルかそれ以上もの長い道のりを運んでやらねばならなかった。というのは、たとえ道路があっても、救急車はけっして前線のすぐそばまではヤって来てくれなかったからだ。あまり近くまでくると、ファシスト軍は、きまって砲撃を浴びせかけるのだった ー かれは無理もなかった。というのは、近代戦では、弾薬を輸送するのに堂々と救急車を使うからだ。

And then, next night, waiting at Torre Fabian for an attack that was called off at the last moment by wireless. In the barn where we waited the floor was a thin layer of chaff over deep beds of bones, human bones and cow's bones mixed up, and the place was alive with rats.The filthy brutes came swarming out of the ground on every side. If there is one thing I hate more than another it is a rat running over me in the darkness. However, I had the satisfaction of catching one of them a good punch that sent him flying.


And then waiting fifty or sixty yards from the Fascist parapet for the order to attack.A long line of men crouching in an irrigation ditch with their bayonets peeping over the edge and the whites of their eyes shining through the darkness. Kopp and Benjamin squatting behind us with a man who had a wireless receiving-box strapped to his shoulders. On the western horizon rosy gun-flashes follows at intervals of several seconds by enormous explosions. And then a pip-pip-pip noise from the wireless and whispered order that we were to get out of it while the going was good. We did so, but not quickly enough.







