"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell
continuation from last time(oct.30'23)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)
The irrigation ditches were brimming over, and every time you stumbled into one you were in water up to your waist. In the pitch darkness and sheeting rain in the farm-yard a dim mass of men was waiting. Koop addressed us, first in Spanish, then in English, and explained the plan of attack. The Fascist line here made an L-bend and the parapet we were to attack lay on rising ground at the corner of the L. About thirty of us, half English, and half Spanish, under the command of Jorge Roca, our battalion commander (a battalion in the militia was about four hundred men), and Benjamin, were to creep up and and cut the Fascist wire.
Jorge would flying the first bomb as a signal, then the rest of us to send in a rain of bombs, drive the Fascists out of the parapet, and seize it before they could rally. Simultaneously seventy Shock Troopers were to assault the next Fascist 'position', which lay two hundred yards to the right of the other, joined to it by a communication-trench. To prevent us from shooting each other in the darkness white armlets would be worn. At this moment a messenger arrived to say that there were no white armlets. Out of the darkness a plaintive voice suggested; 'couldn't we arrange for the Fascist to wear white armlet instead?
There was an hour or two to put in. The barn over the mule stable was so wrecked by shell-fire that you could not move about in it without a light. Half the floor had been torn away by a plunging shell and there was a twenty-foot drop on to the stones beneath. Someone found a pick and levered a burst plunk out of the floor, and in a few minutes we had got a fire alight and our drenched clothes were steaming. Someone else produced a pack of card. A rumour - one of those mysterious that are endemic in war - flew round that hot coffee with brandy in it was about to be served out. We filed eagerly down the almost-collapsing staircase and wondered round the dark yard, inquiring where the coffee was to be found. Alas! there was no coffee. Instead, they called us together, raged us into single file, and then Jorge and Benjamin set off rapidly into the darkness, the rest of us following.
行動開始までに一、二時間のゆとりがあった。ラバ小屋の二階の納屋は、砲撃でひどく破壊され、灯りなしでは歩きまわることができないくらいだった。飛び込んできた一発の砲弾のために床の半分が吹き飛ばされ、下の敷石までとどく二十フィートもの穴があいた。だれかがつるはしを見つけてきて、裂けた板を床からこじ起こしたので、たちまちのうちに赤々としたたき火がたかれ、われわれのずぶ濡れの洋服から湯気が立ちあがり始めた。また、トランプを持ち出すものもいた。ブランデー入りの熱いコーヒーがもらえるといううわさ ー 戦争にはつきものの、あのえたいのしれないうわさのひとつだが ー がぱっと広まった。われわれはそれっとばかり、今にも壊れそうな階段をわれ勝ちにかけ下がり、コーヒーのもらえる所を探しながら、暗い中庭をうろうろと歩きまわった。しかし、残念なるかな! コーヒーのコの字も見つからなかった。その代わりに、われわれは集合させられ、一列側面縦隊に並ばせられた。それから、ホルへとベンジャミンは、暗やみを衝(つ)いて足早に足早に歩き出し、われわれもその後に続いた。
It was still raining and intensely dark, but the wind had dropped. The mud was unspeakable. The paths through the beet-fields were simply succession of lumps, as slippery as a greasy pole, with huge pools everywhere. Long before we got to the place where we were to leave our own parapet everyone had fallen several times and our rifles were coated with mud. At the parapet a small knot of men, our reserves were waiting, and the doctor and a row of stretchers. We filed through the gap in the parapet and waded through another irrigation ditch. Splash-gurgle! Once again in water up to your waist, with the filthy, slimy mud oozing over your boot-tops. On the grass outside Jorge waited till we were all though. Then bent almost double, he began creeping slowly forward. The Fascist parapet was about a hundred and fifty yards away. Our one chance of getting there was to move without noise.
雨は相変わらず降っており、鼻をつままれてもわからぬまっ暗やみだったが、風はおさまっていた。ぬかるみは、何ともいえないひどいものだった。サトウダイコンの畑を通り抜ける小みちは、ただ、油を塗った丸太のようにつるつるしたでこぼこがずっと続き、そこいらじゅうに大きな水たまりがあった。わが軍の胸壁の切れるところまで来ないうちに、みんなはもう何度もころんで、銃は泥まみれになった。胸壁のところに、われわれの予備隊となるささやかな一団の兵士たちと、軍医と担架の列が待っていた。われわれは胸壁のすきまを一列になって通り抜け、灌漑用の溝をまたひとつ歩いて渡った。パシャッ、ゴボ、ゴボ! またしても腰まで水につかり、きたないぬるぬるした泥が、深靴のくるぶしのところからじくじく入ってくる。溝の向こう側の草わらで、ホルへがわれわれ全員の渡り切るのを待っていた。それから、からだをほとんど二つに折り曲げ、忍び足でゆっくり前進しはじめた。ファシスト軍の胸壁は約百五十ヤード前方だ。うまく忍び寄る唯一の方法は、音をたてないことだった。
I was in front with Jorge and Benjamin. Bent double, but with faces raised, we crept into the almost utter darkness at a pace that grew slower at every step.