"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell
continuation from last time(nov.06'2)first appearance(jun.19'23(初出)
I knelt beside Benjamin pulled the pin out of my third bomb and flung it. Ah! No doubt about it that time. The bomb crashed inside the parapet, at the corner, just by the machine-gun nest.
私はベンジャミンのそばにひざまずき、三発目の手榴弾のピンを引き抜いて投げた。やれやれ! 今度はたしかにうまくいった。私の投げた手榴弾は、胸壁の内側の角の、機関銃座のま横で炸裂した。
I The Fascist fire seemed have slackened very suddenly. Benjamin leapt to his feet and shouted; 'Forward! Charge!' We dashed up short steep slope on which the parapet stood. I say 'dashed'; 'lumbered' would be a better word; the fact is that you can't move fast when you are sodden and mudded from head to foot and weighted down with a heavy rifle and bayonet and a hundred and fifty cartridges. I took it for granted that there would be a Fascist waiting for me at the top. If he fired at that range he could not miss me, and yet somehow I never expected him to fire, only to try for me with his bayonet. I seemed to feel in advance the sensation of our bayonets crossing, and I wondered whether his arm would be stronger than mine. However there was no fascist waiting. With a vague of relief I found that it was a low parapet and the sand-bags gave a good foothold. As a rule they are difficult to get over. Everything inside was smashed to pieces, beams fulling all over the place, and great shard of uralite littered everywhere. Our bombs had wrecked all the huts and dug-outs.
And still there was not a soul visible. I thought they would be lurking somewhere underground, and shouted in English(I could not think of any Spanish at the moment): 'Come on out of it! Surrender!' No answer. Then a man, a shadowy figure in the half-light, skipped over the roof of one of the ruined huts and dashed away to the left. I started after him, prodding my bayonet ineffectually into the darkness. As I rounded the corner of the hut I saw a man - I don't know whether or not it was the same man as I had seen before - fleeing up the communication-trench that led to the other Fascist position. I must have been very close of him, for I could see him clearly. He was bareheaded and seemed to have nothing on except a blanket which he was clutching round his shoulders.If I had fired I could have blown him to pieces. But for fear of shooting one another we had been ordered to use only bayonets once we were inside the parapet, and in any case I never even thought of firing. Instead, my mind leapt backwards twenty yeas, to our boxing instructor at school, showing me in vivid pantomime how he had bayoneted a Turk at the Dardanelles. I gripped my rifle by the small of the butt and lunged at the man's back. He was just out of my reach. Another lunge: still out of reach. And for a little distance we proceeded like this, he rushing up the trench and I after him on the ground above, prodding at his shoulder-blades and never quite getting there - a comic memory for me to look back upon, though I suppose it seemed less comic to him.
ところが、人っ子ひとり見えないのだ。地下のどこかに隠れているのだろうと思って、私は英語でどなってみた(あいにく、そのときスペイン語がひとつも思い出せなかったからだ)「そこから出てこーい! 降参しろう!」何の返事もなかった。そのとき、うす明かりの中に陰のように見える人かげが、こわれた小屋の屋根をとび越えて、左手のほうへいちもくさんに逃げていった。私はそのあとを追いかけ、いたずらに銃剣を暗やみの中へ突込んでみたが、ちっとも手ごたえはなかった。その小屋の角を曲がったとたん、ひとりの敵兵が ー そいつがさっきのやつだったかどうかはわからないが ー ほかのファシスト軍陣地につながっている連絡壕を、ころがるように逃げていくのを見た。その姿がはっきり見えたところをみると、私は彼のすぐそばまで追っていたにちがいない。帽子もかぶらず、肩から毛布を一枚引っかぶっているほかは、何も着ていないようだった。射撃したら、そいつをこなごなにしてやることができたかもしれない。しかし、われわれは同志撃ちを避けるために、いったん胸壁の内部に突入したら、銃剣のほかは使ってはならない、という命令を、あらかじめ受けていたのだった。それに、ともかく私は発砲することなど思いつきもしなかったのだ。そのかわり、私の心は一足飛びに二十年の昔にたち返り、ダーダネルス海峡の戦い[ダーダネルス海峡はヨーロッパとアジアの境にある海峡。第一次世界大戦のときに、イギリス軍がここに上陸を企図して、失敗した事件のこと]でトルコ兵を銃剣で突き殺したときの様子を、真に迫った見ぶりでやって見せてくれた学校時代の拳闘の教師のことを思い出した。私は銃把(じゅうは)を握るとその敵兵の背中を目掛けて剣付鉄砲を突き出した。間一髪でとどかない。もう一度突いて見た。が、やっぱり手ごたえがなかった。われわれは、少しの距離をこのような格好で進んだ。彼は塹壕の中を逃げていく。私は上の地面伝いに彼を追いかけながら、肩甲骨目がけて剣付鉄砲を突き出すのだが、ぜったいにとどかないのだー 今から思うと、それこそ吹き出したくなるような思い出だ。もっとも、逃げていく敵兵のほうは、吹き出したくなるなんて冗談じゃない、という気がしただろうけど。
Of course, he knew the ground better than I and had soon slipped away from me. When I came back the position was full of shouting men.The noise of firing had lessened somewhat.