

"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell

continuation from last time(nov.27'23)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)

Few if any of them could read and they seemed not even to know the one thing that everybody knows in Spain - which political party they belonged to. They thought they were Anarchists, but were not quite certain; perhaps they were Communists. They were gnarled, rustic-looking men, shepherds or labourers from the olive groves, perhaps, with faces deeply stains by the ferocious suns of farther south. They were very useful for us, for they had an extraordinary dexterity at rolling the dried-up Spanish tobacco, which in appearance into cigarettes. The issue of cigarettes had ceased, but in Monflorite it was occasionally possibly buy packets of the cheapest kind of tobacco, which in appearance and texture was very like chopped chaff. Its flavour was not bad, but it was so dry that even when you had succeeded in making a cigarette the tobacco promptly fell out and left an empty cylinder. The Andalusians, however could roll admirable cigarettes and had special technique for tucking end in.

字の読めるものは、まあ、ほとんどいない、といってよかったし、スペインではだれでも知っていること ー つまり、自分がどの政党に所属しているのか、ということさえ知らなかった。自分たちではアナーキストのつもりなのだが、それがどうもはっきりしない。たぶん共産主義者なのだろう。ごついからだつきの見るからにいなか者らしい連中で、まあ、羊飼いかオリーブ園の労働者といったところだろう。南国の強烈な太陽にすっかり焼かれて、顔は赤銅色だ。連中はからからに乾燥したスペインたばこの葉を巻いて、巻きたばこを作るのがすてきにうまかったので、われわれにとっては、いたってちょうほうな存在だった。たばこの配給はもうなくなっていたが、モンフロリテでは、ときどき、いちばん下級品のたばこの箱を手にいれることができた。見かけや手ざわりは刻んだもみがらそっくりだった。味は悪くはなかったが、何しろ乾きすぎているので、何とか巻きたばこの格好にはできても、中みのたばこがするりと落ちて、からの軸だけが残るのだった。ところがアンダルシア人たちはじょうずに巻きたばこを作ることができ、両端を中へくるみ込む独特のコツを知っていた。

Two Englishmen were laid low by sunstroke. My salient memories of that time are the heat of the midday sun, and working half-naked with sand - bags punishing one's shoulders which were already flayed by the sun; and the lousiness of our clothes and boots which were literally dropping to pieces; and the struggles with mule which brought our rations and which did not mind rifle-fire but to took flight when shrapnel burst in the air; and the mosquitoes (just beginning to be active) and the rats, which were a public nuisance and would even devour leather belts and cartridge-pouches. Nothing was happening except an occasional casualty from a sniper's bullet and the sporadic artillery-fire and air-raids on Huesca. Now that the trees were in full leaf we had constructed sniper's platforms, like machans, in the poplar trees that fringes the line. On the other side of Huesca the attacks were petering out. Anarchists had had heavy loses and had not succeeded in completely cutting the Jaka road.







