

"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell


Mine was to rush to the tobacco-kiosk and buy as many cigars and cigarettes as I could stuff" into my pockets. Then we all went to the buffet and had a cup of tea, the first tea with fresh milk in it that we had had for many months. It was several days before I could get used to the idea that you could buy cigarettes whenever you wanted them. I always half-expected to see the tobacconists' doors barred and the forbidding notice ' No hay tobacco' in the window.


McNair and Cottman were going on to Paris. My wife I got off the train at Banyuls when they discovered, the first station up the line, feeling that we would like a rest. We were not too well received in Banyuls when they discovered that we had come from Barcelona. Quite a number of times I was involved in the same conversation: 'You come from Spain? Which side were you fighting on? The Government? Oh!" - and then a marked coolness. The little town seemed solidly pro-Franco, no doubt because of the various Spanish Fascist refugees who had arrived there from time to time. The waiter at the cafe I frequented was a pro-Franco Spaniard and used to give lowering glances as he served me with an aperitif. It was otherwise in Perpignan, which was stiff with Government partisans and where all the different factions were caballing against one another almost as in Barcelona. There was one cafe where the word 'P.O.U.M.' immediately procured you French friends and smiles from the waiter.

マックネアとコットマンは、まっすぐパリへ行く予定だった。妻と私は少し休養したいと思ったので、いちばん最初の停車駅、バニュールで降りた。バルセロナから来たことがわかるとあまりいい顔はされなかった。私は、何回となく同じ質問を浴びせられた。「スペインからやってこられたのですね? どちら側について戦われたのですか? 政府側ですって?へーえ!」それから、がらりと相手の態度が冷たくなるのだった。この小さな町は、フランコびいきにこり固まっているようだった。それというのも、ときどき、スペインのファシスト側からのいろいろな亡命者がやって来たかららしかった。私の行きつけの喫茶店(カフェー)の給仕はフランコびいきのスペイン人だったので、アペリチフを出すとき、いつもきまってふきげんな顔で、顔で、私をじろりと見るのだった。ペルピニャンはその反対だった。政府側の熱烈な支持者でこり固まっており、いろいろな党派がみんな、バルセロナとほとんど同じように、互いに策動していた。「POUM」とひとこと言っただけでだけで、すぐさま何人かのフランス人の友だちができ、給仕がにっこりしてくれる喫茶店(カフェー)もひとつあった。

I think we stayed three days in Banyuls. It was a strangely restless time. In this quiet fishing-town, remote from bombs, machine-guns, food-queues, propaganda, and intrigue, we ought have felt profoundly relived and thankful. We felt nothing of the kind. The things we had seen in Spain did not recede and fall into proportion now that we were away from them; instead they rushed back upon us and were far more vivid than before. We thought talked, dreamed incessantly of Spain. For months past we had been telling ourselves that 'when we get out of Spain' we would go somewhere beside the Mediterranean and be quiet tor a little while and perhaps do a little fishing, but now that we were here it was merely a bore and a disappointment.


Ciao, HUITT san!

Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou be like unto him.
Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.
2024年9月7日 23時12分





