"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell
continuation from last time(aug.5'24)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)
That was dreadful. I was known him, for months, had shared a dug-out with him, he had helped to carry me down the line when I was wounded; but it was the only thing one could do. The blue- clad guards were snooping everywhere. It would fatal to recognize too many people.
The so-called jail was really the ground floor of a shop. Into two rooms each measuring about twenty feet square, close on a hundred people were penned. The place had the real eighteenth-century Newgate Calendar appearance, with its frowsy dirt, its huddle of human bodies. its lack of furniture - just the bare stone floor, one bench, and a few ragged blankets - and its murky light, for the corrugated steel shutters had been drawn over the windows. On the grimy walls revolutionary slogans - 'Visca P.O.U.M.!''Viva la Revolution!' and so forth - had been scrawled. The place had been used as a dump for political prisoners for months past.
いわゆる檻房というのは、じつは商店の一階だった。それぞれ二十フィート平方ぐらいのふたつの部屋に、百人近い人びとが詰め込まれている。むっとするような汚物が散乱し、人間のからだがごちゃごちゃとひしめき合い、家具も何もない ー むき出しの石の床に、ベンチがひとつと、ボロボロの毛布が二、三枚あるだけだ。窓には、波形鉄板のシャッターがおろしてあるのであるので暗く、それこそ、ほんとうに十八世紀のニューゲート監獄暦報(カレンダー)[昔ロンドンのニューゲート監獄に入れられた重罪囚人の経歴、罪科、自白書などを載せた記録で、十八世紀から十九世紀初めにいたる]に述べられている情景とそっくりである。垢で汚れた壁で汚れた壁には ー 「POUM万歳!」「革命万歳!」などの ー 革命的なスローガンのなぐり書きがある。ここは、数か月前から、政治犯の臨時収容所として使われてきたのだ。
There was a deafening racket of voices.