"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell
continuation from last time(aug.28'24)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)
I said that my friend Jorge Koop was in prison and would perhaps be put on trial for something in connexion with the May fighting; that the men who were on duty here would know that he had stopped the fighting and saved some of their lives; they ought to come forward and give evidence to that effect.
One of the men I was talking to was a dull. heavy-looking man who kept shaking his head because he could not hear my voice in the din of the traffic. But the other was different. He said he had heard of Koop's action from some of his comrades; Koop was buen chico (a good fellow). But even at the time I knew that it was all useless.If Koop were ever tried, it would be, as in all such trials, with faked evidence. If he has been shot(and I am afraid it is quite likely), that will be his epitaph: the buen chico of the Civil Guards who was part of a dirty system but had remained enough of a human being to know a decent action when he saw one.
私が話しかけた片方の男は、頭の悪そうなぼんやりした顔の男で、通りのさわがしい音で私の声が聞こえないため、たえず首を横に振りつづけていた。しかし、もうひとりのほうはちがっていた。彼は言ってくれた。おれは仲間のだれかから、コップの行動は聞いたことがある、コップは「いいやつだ(ブエン・チコ)」だ、と。しかし、いくらそんなことをしたって、まったく何の役にもたたないことぐらいは、そのときでも、わかっていた。もしコップが裁判されるとすれば、裁判が裁判だから、きっとでっちあげの証拠にもとづいて行なわれるだろう。もし彼が銃殺されるようになれば(どうもそういうことになるのではないかと気がかりなのだが)、「ブエン・チコ」ー 下劣な組織の一員でありながら、気高い行為を見た場合には、それがわかるだけの人間らしさは備えていたけなげな治安警備隊員に、そのようにたたえられた男、というのが、彼の墓碑銘になるわけだ。
It was an extraordinary, insane existence that we were leading.By night we were criminals, but by day we were prosperous English visitors - that was our pose, anyway.Even after a night in the open, a shave, a bath, and a shoeshine do wonders with your appearance. The safest thing at present was to look as bourgeois as possible. We frequented the fashionable residential quarter of the town, where our faces were not known, went to expensive restaurants, and were very English withe the waiters.For the first time in my life I took to writing things on walls.The passage-ways of several smart restaurants had 'Visca P.O.U.M.!' scrawled on them as large as I could write it. All the while, though I was technically in hiding,I could not feel myself in danger. The whole thing seemed too absurd. I had the ineradicable English belief that' they' cannot arrest you unless you have broken the law.
私たちが送っていたのは、たしかに、おかしな気ちがいじみた生活だった。夜は犯罪者、しかし、昼は裕福なイギリスの観光客 ーともかく、それがわれわれの姿勢(ポーズ)だった。ひと晩野宿した後でも、ひげを剃り、ひと風呂浴び、靴を磨いてもらえば、あっぱれみちがえるような容姿となった。さし当たって、いちばんの安全策は、できるだけ富裕階級(ブルジョワ)らしく見せかけることだった。私たちは、顔を知られていない市中の高級住宅地をよく歩き、高級レストランに出入りし、給仕たちに対しては、いかにもイギリス人らしい態度で接した。私は、生まれた初めて、壁に落書きをするくせがついた。いくつかのハイカラなレストランの廊下に、「POUM万歳(ビスカ・ポウム)」という文句を、思い切り大きな字で書きなぐった。そのあいだずっと、私は工夫して、正体がわからないようにはしていたが、身の危険を、実感として感ずることはできなかった。すべてのことが、あまりにもばかばかしい気がしたのだ。法律に触れないかぎり、「彼らにしても」人を逮捕することができないのだ、というイギリス人的な信念を、私はなかなか捨てきれなかったのだ。
It was a most dangerous belief to have during a political pogrom. There was a warrant out for McNair's arrest, and the chances were that the rest of us were on the list as well. The arrests, raids, searchings were continuing without pause; practically everyone we knew, except those who were still at the front, was in jail this time. The police were even boarding the French ships that periodically took off refugees and seizing suspected 'Trotskyist'.
Thanks to the kindness of the British consul, who must have had a very trying time during that week, we had managed to get our passports into order. The sooner we left the better. There was a train that was due to leave for Port Bou at half past seven in the evening and might normally be expected to leave at about half past eight.We arranged that my wife should order a taxi beforehand and then pack her bags, pay her bill, and leave the hotel at the last possible moment. If she gave the hotel people too much notice they would be sure to send for the police. I got down to the station at about seven to find that the train had already gone - it had left at ten to seven. The engine - driver had changed his mind, as usual. Fortunately we managed to warm my wife in time. There was another train early the following morning.
イギリス領事は、あの週はずいぶんたいへんな毎日だったに違いないのだが、彼の好意のおかげで、われわれはどうにか旅券(パスポート)をととのえることができた。あとは、早く発てば発つほどいいのだ。夜七時半にポート・ボーウ行きの汽車が出るはずだった。まともにいけば八時半ごろには出るだろう。妻は、前もってタクシーを頼んでおいて、旅行鞄の荷造りをする、最後のぎりぎりになってホテル代を払って発つ、というふうにわれわれは手はずを整えた。もし彼女があまり早く届け出ると、ホテルではきっと警察へ連絡するからだ。七時ごろに駅へ行ってみると、汽車はもう出たあとだった ー 七時十分前に出てしまったのだという。例によって機関手の気が変わったのだ。運よく、間に合うように妻に連絡することができた。あくる朝早くに出る汽車がもうひとつあった。