
Lunanyan30さんの おぼえた日記 - 2017年9月21日(木)



[ おぼえたフレーズ累計 ]


[ 9月のおぼえたフレーズ ]

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機内 の 医師(3)

1. take medication 薬を服用する
In Japanese, you know, the words is "drink," right, for medicine?
But in English, we "take" medication.
And this would be medication that we swallow.
You wouldn't tale a cream, for example.
You would "apply" a cream or a lotion.

medication は薬という意味だが
put someone on medication 人に薬物治療を施す
take someone off medication 薬の投与を辞める。いつも飲んでいる薬を辞める

And sometimes we call medication "meds."
Like "Make sure to take your meds."

2. typical〖形〗典型的な、代表的な、一般的な
Up at the top, Collins says, "According to my uncle, typical in-flight medical incidents include dizziness, fainting and diarrhea."

3. dizziness めまい
And when a person is "dizzy," ah, sometimes they might say, "My head is spinning."
Kind of the feeling, you know, that turning around in a circular motion.

4. fainting〖名〗失神
Sometimes a person has a fainting spell, which means they faint.

*fainting spells: 失神の発作

5. diarrhea 下痢

And one expression I have heard which personally I never use because I hate the sound of it, is a verbal diarrhea meaning a person who talks way way too much.
I don't know about other native speakers but me, ah, the image is just a *yuck.
*yuck: 【名】気持ち悪いもの/こと

6. nausea and vomiting 吐き気と嘔吐
If you were talking to a doctor, you could say,
"I feel nauseas[nɔ́ːsiəs] or I feel nauseas[nɔ́ːziəs]."
Or "I feel sick to my stomach."
Likewise, "I vomited." or "I threw up."

7. shortness of breath 息切れ、呼吸困難
We also say a person is short of breath.
This means panting. They're gasping for air
Like, "He was very short of breath after running up the stairs."

8. heart palpitations 心臓の動悸

9. get a good night's sleep 十分な睡眠をとる、ぐっすり眠る
Ueda: I always try to get a good night's sleep and drink plenty of water before I fly somewhere."

10. seizure 発作
Collins says, "The most common in-flight medical emergencies are heart attacks, seizures and strokes."

11. be diverted 迂回する、転じる、進路を変える
Turned aside from a course or direction.
Collins is referring to literal direction, movement.
But this can also refer to things like changing what resources are used for.
"We've diverted some of our advertising budget from TV to online ads," for example.

diverted [daɪvɝ́tɪd]とも発音する。

12. headache 頭痛、頭痛の種(困ったこと)
Up at the top, Collins says, "In-flight medical incidents can also involve nausea, shortness of breath and headaches."
In addition to actual pain in the head, a headache can be something that causes annoyance or trouble.
Like, "That *defect has been a huge headache for the company.
It had to pay for repairs to all the products."
Or, "*Bedbugs can be a huge headache for hotels."
*defect: 欠陥、不良、不具合、瑕疵
*bedbug: トコジラミ、ナンキンムシ

13. Aging 〖形〗高齢化している
Down towards the bottom, Salmans says, "The population is asing."
Getting older.
Thus he's talking about living things, of course, people.
But it can also be objects.
I decided to replace my aging refrigerator, for example.
Or, "I'm trying to keep my aging body healthy."

cf. inanimate (syn. lifeless / ant. animate)

14. think hard よく考える
Salmans says, "A lot of people in the airline industry are thinking hard about how to respond such emergencies."
They're thinking carefully, in what their full attention.
We also look hard and listen hard.
Such as "I looked hard at the various travel options and *decided on this airline."
*decide on 〖自〗~に決める

Let me think very hard. よく考えさせてください。

15. recognize 見分ける、気がつく
At the bottom, McMillan says, "Airlines have to provide first-aid training for cabin crew, so they can recognize common signs of distress."
So they can know something when they see it, be able to identify it.
You could also say, "I didn't recognize her after she lost all that weight."
Or "I didn't recognize his voice on the phone."

会員になるとできること 会員登録する(無料)