

参照:一路庵 BLOG 英語部、大好き『ラジオ英会話』
2024.10.17 L134 説明ルール①リポート文
🔓 I don't know if it's the same person or not.
❖基本文型に劣らず高頻度で使われる形が、この「リポート文」。主語の思考・発言・知識などを「リポート」する文です。作り方は単純。動詞(句)の後ろに節を並べるだけ。「説明ルール:説明は後ろに置く」によって、動詞(句)の内容を節が説明することになります。この文は don't know(わからない)の内容を if 節が説明し「~かどうかわからない」となっているのです。
sure)that(you'll ミス*〇
get)the(job a
All(right. ミス
【Target forms】
I think/believe/know he's a good guy.
He promised me he would marry me. *2つ以上の動詞句
I'm sure that you'll get the job. *be動詞を中心とした動詞句【形】 afraid/positive/aware
Let me know what happened. *WH節
●Grammar in action
① それはすばらしいアイデアだと思います。なぜ私がそれを思いつかなかったのかわかりません I think that's an excellent idea. I don't know why I didn't think of that.
② 彼は、私たちはここに駐車することはできないと私に言いました。私たちは車を動かさなくてはなりません He told me that we can't park here. We have to move the car.
③ 申し訳ありませんが、あいにく私たちはあなたの部屋を変更することができません。ホテルは現在のところ満室なのです Sorry, but I'm afraid that we can't change your room. The hotel is currently full.

That's the ticket. そいつはおあつらえ向きだね。/それでいい。/そのとおりだ。/それだ。/そうだ。◆肯定・同意の気持ち。◆【類】That's the stuff.
生憎 Sorry, but I'm afraid
現在のところ currently
□ G&V
typhoons限定詞が付かない裸の名詞 ~一般(具体性をもたない=指定がない) *限定詞の機能=その名詞が文脈中で指す事物を指定して詳しく述べる

2024.10.17 D14
This Irish restaurant is charming.
Our table is over there.
I like the music and the atmosphere.
Let's have a seat.
Today's specials are written on that board.
How hungry are you?
I'm pretty hungry.
① 最初に~はいかがですか?To start, would you like an appetizer?
◇You can imagine you're at a restaurant or you're entertaining someone at home.
② 最初は~にします To start, I'll have the cheese platter大皿(に盛った料理)、盛り合わせ.
③ この料理には~がついています This dish comes with a dessert.
① You made it to the restaurant. Was it hard to find?
Not really. Sorry, if I kept you waitingお待たせしていたなら.
② To start, would you like something to drink?
I'll just have some water for nowとりあえず.
③ How hungry are you?
◇You must be hungry because we've been talking about food, right, Jenny?
I'm pretty hungry, but I usually don't eat that much.

2024.10.17 再放送⇒2023.10.19 1316 偉業 exploit
① accomplishment 成し遂げたこと、成果、達成=achievement
② record 記録、実績/記録的な *record for~ ~に対する記録
*record これまでで最高の記録⇒形容詞的に ―time記録的なタイム/―temperature記録的な気温/―high最高値
③ extraordinary 並外れた/出来事などが)臨時の、追加の
④ honor 高く評価する、栄誉を授ける、名誉 *be honored to~することを栄誉に思います
アイスの為なら Anything for ice cream
Or, would you rather not?

2024.10.17(9.27) 日本政府 ウクライナに教科書を供与 JAPAN DONATES 1 MILLION TEXTBOOKS TO UKRAINIAN SCHOOLS 日本100万冊の教科書をウクライナに供与

Japan has provided Ukraine with more than a million textbooks to support the country's education sector amid the ongoing conflict with Russia. A handover ceremony took place on Thursday at a school in Irpin near the capital, Kyiv. It was attended by Ukrainian and Japanese government officials.
The textbooks are on Ukrainian and foreign literature. They will be distributed to fifth graders at about 10,000 schools across the country. The Japanese government responded to a request from Ukraine for textbooks.
"I want to help rebuild Ukraine and make it better and also work at an international company in the future. I also want to visit Japan one day."
An air raid warning on the same day forced the school's students to evacuate to a shelter temporarily. Analysts say securing a safe education environment for students in Ukraine remains a challenge as the war continues.
than)a(million ミス
Kyiv Kyve
Irpin Yeppin
distributed)to(fifth to*with
🔹help rebuid have rebuit
work)at an(work at*an
🔹air rade airail
school's(students 's
remains)a(challenge the

goings-on 事件、出来事、非難を受けるような)行為、振る舞い
deepfake ディープフェイク、偽動画◆deep learning(深層学習)の技術を応用して、本物にそっくりなfake(偽物)の映像や音声を作りだすこと。
小学校【米】grade school【英】primary school
air raid 空襲 *raid 急襲(する)
避難指示 evacuation order/directive
remain+名詞 今も・なおも~のままである、~であり続ける
🔶Today's Takeaways ■grant aid 無償援助、無償資金協力
◇graderについて That's right. As you probably know, we use “grade” and “grader” to describe what year of school a person is in.
5th grader=小学5年生? Correct. But the thing some people don't understand is that, at least in the United States, the “grade” and “grader” (numbers) don't reset when you go from elementary school to junior high school or junior high school to high school.
数がリセットされない That's right. So, a person in their first year of junior high school is a “seventh grader,” not a “first grader.”
高校3年生 I've heard about Japanese junior high school students visiting the U.S. and telling their host families that they were (in) “second graders” — So, you can imagine the confusion, right?
小学2年生にしては大きくない? Yeah, yeah, so, the parents say, "Wait, how old are you"?


2024.4.18(木) L12 ミーティングを変更、キャンセルする

Well, actually, I’d also like to talk about the verb “remain.” In today's story, it was used like this: “securing 略 remains a challenge.”
In this case, “remain” means “to continue to be” — so in other words, “securing 略 continues to be a challenge.”
(Here's another example: The man's true identity remains a mystery.)
2024年10月17日 16時39分
Alright, listeners. Let's try using this "remain" in a sentence, shall we? 英作文 OK, so, everyone, here are the 3 words I want you to use —becoming, remain, dream. Just remember you can change "remain" to "remains," "remained."
2024年10月17日 16時39分
Let's hear it. You can change the verb form if you like. Becoming an astronaut remains her dream since she was 3.
Ah...Ah, OK. This is a very good sentence, and I think our listeners will appreciate my advice if I can give it to you. Becoming略3. I understand it, but there is one small grammar point. So, you did a good job ― changing "remain" to "remains."
That's correct because "becoming" is one ― one thing. But if you add "since she was 3," that means, right, this is the problem point.
2024年10月17日 16時38分
So, "since she was 3," "she was 3" in the past, right? So, the "remain", the verb "remain" is now, but it started remaining a long time ago and continues now. So, becoming HAS REMAINED 略3. That's, that's the tricky one. So, actually, you know, when she was 10, when was 20 and even now when she is, I don't know, 30. Uh, it has remained her dream. Exactly, exactly, so, that's, that's the tough one. So, actually if you would have not said "since she was 3," it would be perfect.
2024年10月17日 16時37分




