ラモン・マグサイサイ(1907-1957) ニュ英より
2024.10.25 L140 Review
月 Which of the following is true?
A Derek told Bill about the invitation to the talk show.
火 What is Adam good at?
B Cooking
水 Why does Dr. Stein want to have a party?
B Because he can walk again
木 Who is Onishi Kohei?
C A baseball legend
1 説明ルール③動詞句修飾
Ken looks like he's not satisfied with my work.
✖Don't worry. Ken can be a bit difficult in the morning. Everyone knows you're doing well. It's not personal. Keep it up.
〇Don't worry. Ken can be a little cranky in the morning. Everyone knows you're doing fine. It's nothing personal. Keep up the good work.
2 指定ルール 助動詞
What should I do?
✖A product you bought arrived damaged? I'm sorry. You might as well contact customer service of that website. You may be able to get a refund. It's worth trying.
〇Your purchase arrived damaged? That's too bad. You'd better contact the customer service for the website. You may be able to get a refund. It's worth a try.
気難しい cranky
You bet. そのとおり、もちろん、あなたのおっしゃるとおり。
2024.10.25 再放送⇒2023.10.27、2022.9.12 1105 区別がつきにくい単語 Words that are difficult to distinguish
① objective 客観的な
② subjective 主観的な
(ject投げる -ive傾向がある)
③ personal 個人的な、個人の
*private 個人に属する、私有の⇔public 公の
④ personnel 社員、職員、人事の✖personnels 複数の人を表す言葉なので複数形にはならない
2024.10.25 再放送⇒2024.9.19(8.31) 宮崎駿監督にマグサイサイ賞 MIYAZAKI HAYAO WINS PRESTIGIOUS MAGSAYSAY AWARD
❣Magsaysay saisai
❣🔹also(known often
😢SGhiblic SGC今回SDhibric
😢for)his filmmaking a film-making今回his film making
❣🔹say)is his lifelong it is life-long
❣🔹praises places
❣art(to 〇*s
❣🔹deep respect(for deepless back
🔹like by
be recognized for ~について世に認められる、正当な評価を受ける
commitment 強い思い、深い関与、揺るぎない思い
what they say is …人々が~と言うところのもの
foundation 財団/基礎
complicate 難しくする、複雑にする、こじらせる
Don't complicate things. Let's just keep it simple.
advocacy 推進、擁護、主張
His instructions are totally incomprehensible! 彼の説明は全くイミフ、ちんぷんかんぷん!
feature 人を)主役にする、中心的にする
individual 個人の/個々の=single「1つの」、separate「別々の」
individual components of the machine その機械の個々の部品
🔶Today’s Takeaways
Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation
Dalai Lama XⅣ
Mother Teresa
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Kiki's Delivery Service
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
Howl's Moving Castle
2024.10.25 再放送⇒2024.4.26(金) Interview 1-4 Lekh Raj Juneja 海外戦略について
😢🔹always would
❣🔹Unless And
😢profits)out sort
❣🔹cannot do can add to
😢keep)on doing having
Differentiate it for more products from others ???今回Differentiate from more products from others
❣🔹cannot do anything can have to do anything
❣ unless you're ???
They sell the This is a
▷specific 具体的な、明確な
▷consistent 一貫した、ぶれない
contradiction 矛盾
compatible. 両立できる,相性が良い,互換性のある
unwavering 態度・信念などが)動揺しない、断固とした、揺るぎない
▷stakeholder 利害関係者
▷willingness 快く~すること
■ 企業戦略を説明するときに役立つ語句
at the core of ~の中心・根幹にある
stay ahead of ~の先頭に立ち続ける
prioritize 優先する
integral to ~に不可欠な・欠かせない
emphasize 力を入れる、重視する、強調する
*-centric ~中心の
□ 私達は戦略的なパートナーシップと買収を通じて市場シェアを拡大することを目指しています。
✖ We're aiming to expand market share through strategic partnership and acquisition.
今回We aim to expand our market share through strategic partnership and acquisition.
〇 We aim to/Our aim is to increase market share through strategic partnerships and acquisitions.