■イタリア語応用編 48 接続法 可能性「おそらく~なのだろう」
○È probabile che molti italiani abbiano un buon senso estetico.
probabile (形)恐らく
abbiano avereの接続法3人称複数形
senso (名)センス
estetico (形)美の 美的な
★È probabile che ~ おそらく~だろう
①必要性・有用性を表す形容詞 + 接続法
1 È necessario che 接続法の節 ~の必要がある
È necessario che tu legga questi documenti.
2 È meglio che 接続法の節 ~したほうがいい
È meglio che tu risponda a questa email.
②可能性を表す形容詞 + 接続法
1 È possibile che 接続法の節 ~はあり得る
È possibile che Sandra non sia d'accordo con noi.
2 È impossibile che 接続法の節 ~はあり得ない
È impossibile che Claudio non venga alla festa.
○名詞Peccatoを使って「Peccato che + 接続法(~は残念だ)」
Peccato che tu non possa venire a cena.
Peccato che tuo padre stia male.
stia/ stia/ stia/ stiamo/ stiate/ stiano
dica/ dica/ dica/ diciamo/ diciate/ dicano
possa / possa/ possa/ possiamo/ possiate/ possano
○Si usa così!(これは使える)
Ce l'ho fatta. うまくやれた
Non ce l'ho fatta. できなかった
Ho vinto il concorso. Ce l'ho fatta!(コンクールに優勝した。やった!)
Volevo aprire questo bottiglia, ma non ce l'ho fatta.
*vincere 優勝する
①È meglio che tu prenda la metropolitana.
②È possibile che Massimo non venga alla riunione.
③È probabile che Laura arrivi in ritardo oggi.
①Peccato che questi prodotti siano troppo cari.
②Peccato che Franco non possa venire in gita con noi.
■ラジオ英会話233 積み重ねるフロー2
①I thought you liked the Sphinx and the Pyramids.
* 時制の一致が起きている。
②We'll be doing more in-depth research this time. Are you sure, Jessica?
*in-depth 詳細な 徹底した
*will be doing
Besides, I'll be traveling with my boyfriend then.
○in addition / in addtion to/ additionary
This job requires five years' experience. In addition, we also require driver's license.
○on top of that
My wife refused to talk to me. On top of that, she even made me sleep on the sofa.
○What's more
My new job is interesting and stimulating. What's more, I get to travel many countries.
○not only...but also
She is not only teacher, but a mother of three kids.
1 In addition to opening new branches in Japan, we are also planning to expand overseas.
2 Our new sports club has a swimming pool and four tennis courts. On top of that, it has lots of free activities for kids.
■現代英語 Sushi chain develops AI alert system to prevent tampering
*tamper 不正に変更する、(食品に)異物を混入する
The operator of the Kura Sushi conveyor-belt restaurant chain has developed an AI-powered alert system aimed at deterring anyone from tampering with their dishes.
This follows a recent series of videos of diners performing unhygienic pranks at conveyor-belt sushi restaurants that went viral on social media.
“We think these videos are extremely troubling and pose a threat to the very foundation of the sushi conveyor-belt system business model.”
The company unveiled the alert system to the media.
As soon as the system's camera catches anyone retuning a plate to the conveyor belt that has been touched by customer, an alert is sent to the headquarters.
Officials will then contact the manager, who will approach the perpetrator.
conveyor-belt restaurant (sushi←省略) 回転寿司店
deter ~from… ~に…するのを思いとどまらせる、防ぐ 抑止する
diners 食事客
unhygienic prank 非衛生的ないたずら
go viral (まるでウィルスのように)ネットや口コミで拡散される
pose a threat to ~を脅かす
perpetrator 悪質な行為を行う人
[conveyor-belt sushi restaurant] が標準的
conveyor-belt sushi
revolving sushi
rotating sushi :rotation 回転
sushi train
I saw a picture.
The appearance of the glass block is overwhelming!
いいなぁ~ 銀ブラ! 復活したいなぁ~!
大宮の次が仙台! びっくりでした🐧💕