Elle dit: «Vous êtes mon mari. Vous avez
le droit de me voir.»
He spoke feebly in a tragic tone.
"Married for form's sake," he went on,
stammering out fragmentary, incoherent
phrases. "I knew it, I knew it—formality—
our conventions—"
She stopped, with her hand hesitating on
her blouse like a flower, and said:
"You are my husband. It is your right."
He made a faint gesture of denial.
She quickly corrected herself.
"No, no, it is not your right. I want to do it."
I began to understand how kind she was
trying to be. She wished to give this man,
this poor man who was sinking at her feet,
a reward that was worthy of her.
She wanted to bestow upon him the gift of
the sight of her body.
But the thing was harder than the mere
bestowal of a gift. It must not look like the
mere payment of a debt. He would not have
consented to that. She must make him believe
it was a voluntary wifely act, a willing caress.
She must conceal her suffering and repugnance
like a vice. Feeling the difficulty of giving this
delicate shade to her sacrifice, she was afraid of
Ici vous pouvez parler avec toute confiance.
La confiance règne! 私も結構信用されたものだ!
He isn't understanding type.
I got your message.
ーю я ü ь Б В Г Д Е Ё Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ
Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Яа б в г д е ё ж з к Лафкадио и
й к л м н о п р с т у ть ф x х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь
ю я ü
А́ а́ Е́ е́ И́ и́ О́ о́ У́ у́ Ы́ ы́ Э́ э́ Ю́ ю́ Я́ я́ ещё
ö Ō É ß à ï é ça sì È è ê ¿ ¡ œu «Casse-Noisette»
«je serai là»
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Ça ça â é È è Ё ё Sì
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