小さな幸せと不幸せのフレーズクイズ 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ The water is not boiling yet.
○ You can have it.
○ My mouth's watering.
○ This is my favorite.
○ I had no money on me.
名言 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ In the old days, so-called great men became corporate leaders, but now only real pros are up to the task. [Translation by RP]
○ The leader who does not heed the advice of those below him will surely lose his realm and bring ruin onto his house.
○ In my use of people, I do not favor any one type of personality, nor do I choose people who display a similar manner or behavior. [Translation by RP]
○ Trustworthy managers should possess: first, honesty; second, foresight; third, health. [Translation by RP]
○ The fact that mountains have been climbed, oceans have been crossed and humans have survived on this planet is due, above all, to the spirit of adventure. [Translation by R.P.]
Facebookディクテーションテスト2013年05月09日(木)版(No.702) - 結果
Q1 How long will it take to get there?
Q2 Couldn't agree more.
Q3 I hit my head on the door.
Q4 I'm so embarrassed I could die!
Q5 I'd like you to consider an alternative plan.