○ The actress was greeted with flowers when she arrived at the hotel.
greet 迎える、歓迎する、(人に)挨拶する
Lady Gaga was greeted with cheers last week.
greet with cheers 「歓呼して迎える」を使って英作文。
○ This movie is going to be a huge success.
huge 途方もなく巨大な、膨大な
In America, "Huge houses" are now called "McMansions".
○ The airline tries to accommodate requests for special meals.
accommodate 収容する、応じる、順応する
The hotel accommodates your requests as soon as possible.
○ The rate of growth is expected to accelerate this quarter.
accelerate 加速する、促進する
I want to accelarete my vocabulary building.
○ When I give the signal, speak into the camera.
signal 動詞「合図する、示す、明らかにする」名詞「信号、合図」
Don't ignore traffic signals and traffic signs.
trafic signal「交通信号・標識」 / traffic sign 「交通標識」の違いがあるのでまとめて一文に。不細工な英文の出来上がり!
○ He had his hair cut only twice a year.
cut 切る、削減する
I had my hair many months ago.
美容院が苦手な私、前髪は自分でカット。I cut my hair.はこの場合間違いではない。
○ How do you usually spend your weekend?
spend (金や時間を)使う、費やす
How did you spend the money I geve you yesterday?
○ A massage may help you to relax.
relax リラックスする・させる、くつろぐ、和らぐ、ほぐす、緩和する
A nice hot bath may help me to relax.とは思えない、この暑さ。
○ She resigned after 35 years on the police force.
resign 辞職する、辞任する
I shall never resign! タイムリーなフレーズが辞書にありました。
○ The company found a way to reduce costs and increased profits.
reduce 減らす、減少させる
We have to reduce the consumption of electricity.
○ I wish I had not eaten the fish.
wish 名詞「願い」動詞「願う、~していればよかったと思う、~であればよいのにと思う」
I wish I had learned a lot in youth. 後ろ向きな英作文だ。
I wish you much happiness!
○ I really appreciate all you've done for me.
appreciate 感謝する、(芸術などを)鑑賞する、(通貨などが)値上がりする
The yen appreciates against the dollar.
○ After the divorce, he could not keep his life in order.
order 動詞「命令する、注文する」名詞「命令、注文、順番、整頓、規律、秩序」
Keep your room in order! これを今日ドアに張り付けておこう。
○ The president called on the public to stay calm.
stay calmがstay coolに聞こえました。どんな耳なんだ。
○ How much influence do parents really have on teenagers?
influence 名詞「影響、影響力、影響力のある人、実力者」動詞「影響を及ぼす」
Yesterday, I heard news about "Space Debris".
The title is "Unidentified Space Debris Forces Crew into Soyuz Spacecraft"
Fortunately, the debris didn't impact ISS and Soyuz.
But if space debris hit a spacecraft or a space architecture ...
How much influence will they have? I can't imagine.