ニュースで英会話(2011/8/1~) の復習:第一日目
○ The new solar cell is 10 percent more efficient than the older one.
cell 「細胞、携帯(電話)、電池、独房、テロ組織のグループ、下部組織」
このフレーズでは、solar cell 「太陽電池」。
○ Why don't you act your age?
act 「行動する、ふるまう」 通常、「単発的・個別的な行い」を指します。
act alone 「単独で行動する」
act one's age 「年相応にふるまう」
○ My budget doesn't allow me to make any big purchases right now.
purchase 動詞「購入する」 名詞「買い物」
make a big purchase 「大きな買い物をする」
make a good purchase「得な買い物をする」
make a bad purchase「損な買い物をする」
× There's been a total lack of progress in the negotiations.
○ You'll need your passport to cross the border.
border 「国境」
cross the border 「国境を越える」「越境する」
○ Exercise greatly reduces the risk of heart disease.
risk 「危険、危険性、おそれ」
ニュース本文では、at risk 「危険にさらされて」。
at the risk of ... 「~の危険をおかして」「~するおそれを覚悟して」
× The differences between the countries can be bridged with greater dialogue.
○ That's not consistent with what you said before.
consistent 言動などが不変で「首尾一貫した」
○ They settled the disagreement without going to court.
settle 紛争・問題を「解決する」、人を「定住させる」
○ Lady Gaga was on hand for the opening ceremony.
on hand 「手元に、近くで待機して」
I need diet and exercise therapy to reduce the risk of complication associated with diabetes.
When I have a meal, there're some tips from my doctor.
"Starting with fiber-rich food, such as vegetables, following with carbohydrate meal."
Today's breakfast were "sandwiches and sliced onion".
I started with a pile of sliced onion. But other family members started with sandwiches. Too bad, sandwiches were on a large platter.
My husband asked me, "Why don't you eat sandwiches? Sandwiches are delicious! They're becoming less."
I wanted to ask him, "Why don't you act your age?"