○ This is a pointless argument.
○ He's a man ahead of his time.
○ This zipper got stuck halfway up.
○ She looks good in anything.
○ His face is twitching.
ahead of one's time 時代に先駆けて
He's a man ahead of his time. 彼は時代を先取りしている。
stick halfway up 〔ジッパーなどが〕途中で引っ掛かって上がらない
This zipper got stuck halfway up. このジッパーが途中で上がらなくなった。
look good in ~が似合う[を着ているとすてきに見える]
She looks good in anything. 彼女は何を着ても似合う。
pointless argument 屁理屈、要領を得ない[筋の通らない]話
This is a pointless argument. これは意味のない議論だ。
twitch 【自動】ピクピク動く、ピクッと動く、引きつる
His face is twitching. 彼の顔が引きつってるわ。
Actually I haven't listened this NHK Radio program, "Five-Minute English."
Those phrases are checked only by Gogakuru Web-site.
So I'm having trouble catching their key point.
Where is its key point? Are those words idiom? What does the word mean?
I checked them by myself. And I fill them in "My Words Book".
This words book takes advantage of Microsoft Excel.
Excel is not all good for use as words book, I think.
Because I'm not used to this software, my words book ends up a state of "halfway measure."
I need to improve both English skills and basic computer skills.