本日の学習 ABCニュースシャワー99日目
「大統領候補討論会 オバマ氏の不調」 (10月5日放送)
昨日の復習 ABCニュースシャワー
That reminds us that American quality is second to none.
キーワード:second to none 「何物にも劣らない、一番だ」
★ second to none 「何物にも劣らない、一番だ」
「Obama to US Veterans: 'I've Got Your Back'」
It will be second to none as long as I am president, and well into the future. We have got the best trained, best-led, best-equipped military in history. And as commander in chief, I am going to keep it that way," Obama said.
cf. second to ~ : 「~に次ぐ」を表す場合
UN Report Paints Grim Picture for Somalia's Youth
The report ranks Somalia second to Afghanistan as the worst country in the world for women. It says females face widespread gender-based violence and extreme inequality, particularly when it comes to health care, empowerment and employment.
※ paint a grim picture of 「(~について)悲観する・悲観的展望を述べる」
cf. second to (the) last : 「最後から二番目の」
「US Astronaut Retiring to be with Congresswoman」
In May, Kelly commanded Endeavour, the final space journey for that shuttle and the second-to-last mission of NASA's 30-year space shuttle program. Giffords traveled to Florida from Texas to watch the launch.