本日の学習 復習のみ♪
昨日の復習 ABCニュースシャワー
「オバマ大統領の信条」 (11月2日放送)
The only thing you carry into this office is a moral compass.
キーワード:moral compass 「道徳上の指針」
moral 「独特の、倫理の」
compass 「羅針盤」
★ moral compass 「道徳上の指針」
「Live Blog: Wednesday At The Democratic National Convention」
"What I fault him for is making money without a moral compass," Johnson said. "I fault him for putting profits ahead of working people like me. But that's just Romney economics."
★ moral 「独特の、倫理の」
Politicians should uphold the highest moral standards.
★ compass 「羅針盤」
「From Boy King Of Texas To Literary Superstar」
My book did get published, eventually, but I took a crooked path. I carved it on my own with no compass, no map and no idea of what I was doing.
※ crooked 「曲がった、屈曲した、ゆがんだ、ねじれた」
※ carve one's own path 自分の人生の道を切り開く
★ convenient 「都合の良い」
Would it be convenient for you to meet in the morning?