Today, I'm coming here earlier than usual.
I have no particular reason.
I'm just looking forward to coming here.
But to my regret, I have had nothing to write here yet.
Because the day has just started.
If I could have something interesting, I would return here.
Sorry, I don't know my English is correct or not.
I couldn't have understood subjunctive mood yet.
× Even if I were sick, there would be no point in your coming back.
たとえ俺が病気でも、お前に帰ってきてもらう意味は無い。 /english/phrase/1670
There is no point in discussing the matter further.
point ~ 目的・効果・意味
What's the point of coming here?
I refuse to apologize for something I didn't do.
refuse to do ~することを断る どうしても~しようとしない
refuse はっきり断る
reject 強い態度で時には敵意を持って断る
decline 丁寧に断る
apologize to someone for a thing 人に…について謝る
apology 自分の非を認めて謝る事
excuse 自分の非を知りながらそれを正当化または軽くするために持ち出す理由
仮定法 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
× If my brother had gotten up earlier, he could have caught the 8:00 train.
× If I were you, I would take an online course.
× If I had lived just one hour longer, I would have met my great-grandchild.
× I wish I had the recipes in English.
× So you couldn't imagine your life without it then ?
× I wish I had not eaten the fish.
○ If I were you, I would accept his offer.
○ If Shota were sick, Charo would feel the same way.
× If I were you, I would take a few deep breaths.
× I wish this rain would go away.
× How could you say the same thing without upsetting her?
× Even if I were sick, there would be no point in your coming back.
× I should've spoken up at the meeting.
× If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't leave the CEO alone on Weekends.
× If I knew how, I would start my own blog.
× If I were you, I'd ask him to leave.
○ I'll take it if you can ship it to Japan.
× I wish my college were in Tokyo.
× I couldn't have done it without your support.
× If he were awake, I could not leave him.