the cat's whiskers(猫のひげ)、the cat's meow(猫のなき声)、the cat's pajamas(猫のパジャマ)ってなぁ~んだ (*´-ω・`)ン?
I will give you a clue, it means “ the bee's knees.”
(*o´・∞・`)? (*´-ω・`)ン? (=゚ω゚=)ん?
the cat's whiskers, the cat's meow, the cat's pajamas, the bee's knee
・・・・ すばらしい人・もの、 最高の人・もの
Listening to her old songs again is the cat's pajamas.
dogは・・・ ガガガ━Σ(ll゚ω゚(ll゚д゚ll)゚∀゚ll)━ン!!!
sleeping dog 面倒なこと
(as) sick as a dog ひどく気分が悪い
dog's breakfast 雑然と入り交じっているもの、めちゃくちゃ
not have a dog's chance of ~の見込みが全くない
go to the dogs 落ちぶれる、荒廃する、悪くなる
lead a dog's life 惨めな生活を送る
die like a dog 犬死にする、のたれ死ぬ、悲惨な死に方をする
throw[give] ~ to the dogs ~を投げ棄てる、~を無駄にする、~を危険にさらす
treat someone like a dog 人を粗末に扱う、とても冷たい目に遭わせる
どうやら英米人は猫好きなんだな (* ̄∇ ̄)ノ
Apparently most of the English and the Americans prefer cats than dogs.
I'm a cat person (^―^)
☆ the bee's knees ・・・ If something or someone is the bee's knees, they are very good.
Joey thinks he is the bee's knees on that new bike.
☆ have a bee in one's bonnet 奇妙な考えに取りつかれる、頭がどうかしている
bonnetは婦人用の帽子、車のボンネットは〈英〉bonnnet ; 〈米〉hood
If you have a bee in your bonnet about something, you are obsessed with it and can't stop thinking about it. This phrase is often used when you are worried or angry about something. The word 'bonnet' refers to a kind of hat.
※obsess (他) 頭の中に取り付く、強迫観念となる
受け身[ be obsessed] で使われる。「頭から離れない」
A quiz every day! Our teacher must have a bee in his bonnet!