○ Ms. Howard is asking if you can email her the past year's revenue data on Uncle Amiiiiiigo and FuroOK by the end of the day. /english/phrase/101276?m=1
× Tough economic times can sap people's spirits and motivation, so having good "people skills" is important if a manager wants to keep things on an even keel as a company sails the rough seas of an economic downturn. /english/phrase/4071?m=1
○ The word 'samurai' is derived from the word 'saburau', which means 'to serve'. /english/phrase/17433?m=1
× This was a challenge for all of us, but look at the great result we've achieved. Our team is strong, and our product a success. Good job, everyone. /english/phrase/83106?m=1
× And it's becoming more common for people like that to come back to their former place of employment at a higher level and with a better compensation package. /english/phrase/100942?m=1
× Or, if you like, to help them develop in a way that lets them choose the best course in life. /english/phrase/116624?m=1