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Doreen Virtue Official Fan Pageより
Too often we dismiss true guidance with our own judgments and interpretations of situations. Part of growing spiritually is realizing that our signs from above don’t always make sense.
dismiss (考えなど)を[…だとして/…から]捨てる、退ける、忘れてしまう(put away)
interpretations 解釈、説明;(夢などの)判断
make sense (事柄・説明などが)道理にかなう、意味が分かる(reasonable)
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年02月25日(土)版(No.263) - 結果
appetite 聞き取れ、意味も分かったけれど、スペルを知らなかった。。。
《a factor in +名詞/動名詞》で、「…の要因」
Q1 I'd like two hamburgers and two French fries.
○ I'd like two hamburgers and two french fries.
Q2 When your time is up, life will pass on to the next generation.
○ When your time is up, life will pass on to the next generation.
Q3 My dog still doesn't have any appetite.
× My dog still doesn't have any apatite.
Q4 She didn't give him an inch.
○ She didn't give him an inch.
Q5 Hiroko's technical presentation was a key factor in getting an agreement.
× Hiroko stuck me co-presentation with a key factory in getting an agreement
あとは、facebookのDoreen Virtue Official Fan Pageに「いいね!」をして、毎日、投稿を読み、内容と英語の勉強を両方しています(^.^)